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Displaying 3801 - 3820 of 4071

John Kerry: "this administration couldn't care less"about minority and low-income neighborhoods

The [EPA] is not conducting required reviews to ensure that low-income and minority neighborhoods get the same environmental protection as other communities.

"The Nation" calls for action on 2007 Farm Bill

Do you think current farm policy favor corporations over small farmers and consumers? The Nation does, and they want you to weigh in on the drafting of the 2007 Farm Bill.

Study: Hostility may lead to decreased lung function

Are you an angry, hostile man? A recently published study finds that you may have some decreased lung function in your future. (This is in addition to the hardships of having your house ransacked on...

Natural Selection Foods: Organic spinach not to blame

Contrary to claims of those sympathetic to chemical-intensive farming, all cases of this most recent outbreak of E. coli have been traced back to packages of non-organic spinach, according to Natural...

Alums have a bone to pick with Harvard

It looks like Environmental Working Group aren't the only ones that have a bone to pick with Harvard. At least 17 Harvard alumni, including several leading public health experts, have voiced serious...

Respected journal brings public to peer-review process

The scientific journal Nature has added a new element to its system of reviewing articles for publication---posting submissions online and allowing feedback from recognized scientists and institutions...

McDonald's ad chief resigning in McHummer shame?

Oh no! According to Forbes, McDonald's marketing chief Bill Lamar may be resigning soon amidst the “dubious call of putting toy Hummer replicas in Happy Meals.”

Voodoo and Mercury

Mercury is believed to attract love, luck or riches and can protect against evil. It is also known to cause permanent damage to developing children's brains and have numerous harmful effects on the...


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McDonald's allowing comments after 5 days of criticism

After more than 5 days--and critical posts on TreeHugger, AdWeek, Fast Company, Emergence Marketing, Church of the Customer blog, AutoBlogGreen, TriplePundit, CityHippy, BlogHer and Viral Garden-...

Scientific integrity cartoon contest

Union of Concerned Scientists is in the final round of its Scientific Integrity Cartoon Contest, recognizing the best cartoons dealing with the intersection of politics and science. Only 12 finalists...

Grandpa marching on Washington for clean air and safer schools

Culminating a hike of several hundred miles, West Virginia grandfather Ed Wiley will arrive in Washington tomorrow to ask the federal government to help where his local officials' resources fall short...

Hybrid happy meals: a wiser choice for McDonald's

Now that McDonald's Hummer happy meal promo is officially over and the marketing experts who conceived it are out looking for new jobs, their successors should be hard at work searching for a toy that...

McDonald's responds to Hummer protest

On McDonald's CSR blog, Vice President Bob Langert has defended the company's Hummer Happy Meal promotion by dismissing the effect that advertising has on children: "… I polled my staff who have or...

In the news: September 7, 2006

Safety of Mercury in Fillings Debated: The FDA wants to know if a government report reasonably concludes that silver dental fillings aren't dangerous even though they expose patients to toxic mercury...

Pesticides found in all 168 daycare centers tested

At least one pesticide was found in each of 168 daycare centers tested in a recent study by EPA's National Exposure Research Laboratory. While noting that concentrations found were generally low...

Bush slashes eco-whistleblower protection laws

From a press release issued on Labor Day by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER): "WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Bush administration has declared itself immune from whistleblower...

In the news: September 6, 2006

Confronting the criticism of health and environmental groups, three major nail polish manufacturers have begun the process of removing a trio of substances that have been deemed harmful. The chemicals...

Drug-review fees help industry shape FDA agenda

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Food and Drug Administration is bargaining with the pharmaceutical industry for an increase in fees used for reviewing new drug applications-- a move experts...

In the news: September 5, 2006

A new report suggests that childhood PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) exposure can make children's diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations less effective.
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