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links for 8.17.06

Several links for recent news.

Special Sauce, Lettuce, Cheese, and Foreign Oil Dependency

This month McDonald's is giving away toy Hummers, 42 million of them, in eight models and colors, with every Happy Meal or Mighty Kids Meal. That's right: The fast-food chain that helped make our kids...

Baltimore Bans Toxic Jewelry Because Feds Won't

A survey this month by Baltimore City Health Commisioner, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, found that 4 out of 17 samples of children's jewelry sold at area stores had dangerously high levels of lead.

Hummer Pushing its "Light Cigarette"

Hummer will be launching a new ad campaign today to remind consumers that they sell TWO models the H2 and the smaller, cheaper H3. Hummer feels they've been too long associated with the behemoth H2...

GAO: We're Flying Blind

On August 2, an official from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) told the Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee that our nation's law governing industrial chemicals needs to be...

What General Motors has Learned from Big Tobacco

This summer, kids will be getting toy Hummers with their Happy Meals thanks to a new McDonald's promotion to bring “the fun and excitement of Hummer vehicles” to “McDonald's youngest guests.” In a...

"Ok, Ok--So I Hid My Industry Ties, But Everybody's Doin' It!"

Recently there's been plenty of debate within scientific, regulatory, and public health circles about the role of industry funding in scientific research and on government advisory panels--with robust...

Uber-conservative Lashes Out Against Farm Subsidies

In an L.A. Times editorial, conservative-supreme Jonah Goldberg states his case against farm subsidies. Why?

The Dirty Secret of Cleaner Cars

On Sunday, the New York Times ran a piece on PZEV's, or Partial Zero Emissions Vehicles. PZEV's are poorly marketed versions of the most popular cars on the road. The difference? They have better...

Greenpeace Ad

The City Gas Guzzler, which we linked to last week, is drawing lots of comments on the Autoblog.

FDA's 100th Birthday

Check out this FDA Centennial Anthem, written in honor of the big milestone: "One century past, a people's hope fulfilled By an act conceived for safe medicine and food Protecting rights that our...


From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on mercury in dental fillings: "...Mercury in its many forms is poisonous, especially to children and pregnant women. The most heinous problems are neurological ones...

Organics in the News

The New York Times plugs EWG's Shopper's Guide: If you would like to make sure your organic dollars are delivering on their promise, you can keep an eye on the Environmental Working Group’s site at...

Altered Oceans: A Primeval Tide of Toxins

This week the LA Times brings us Altered Oceans, a five-part multimedia expose on the crisis in our seas, and the implications of being at a "tipping point" in marine history.

Friday Round-Up

Several articles from recent news.

Too Much of a Good Thing

A new report from the World Health Organization reminds us that we can have too much of a good thing. The report states that 60,000 lives are claimed each year from excessive sun exposure, the...

Are the National Academies Fair and Balanced?

Today Center for Science in the Public (CSPI) Interest hosted a public forum to discuss conflicts of interest on National Academy of Sciences (NAS) issue panels. CSPI's most notable finding was that...

Remaindered Climate Change Links

Here are a few remaindered links to get you through the weekend: In Did Al Get the Science Right? Der Spiegel surveys the scientific community for reactions to Al Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient...

EnviroGroups on MySpace ?

What do Oceana, Oxfam America, and Greenpeace all have in common? Well-among other things-they are all nonprofits that have tapped into the social networking world of to attract new...

A Taste for Ag Policy Discussion

Keith Good, president and editor of the popular subscription daily,, is also the editor(or should I say "Chef") of Ag Policy Soup. Launched in March '06, the site publishes audio...
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