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Displaying 701 - 720 of 4072

Tonight’s Climate Town Hall: Crisis Demands Tough Questions, Honest Answers

Tonight's town hall is a forum for 10 Democratic presidential candidates to address the climate crisis. The crisis demands substantive treatment, like that given health care and immigration, not...

Labor Day Made Fun and Safer With EWG

Does your family head to the beach for Labor Day? Host friends and family for a barbecue? Whatever your particular tradition, EWG has you covered when it comes to marking the end of summer safely and...

Record-Breaking Number of Algae Outbreaks in 2019

A record-breaking number of potentially toxic algae blooms have plagued bodies of water across the country this summer. According to our map, which tracks news stories of algae blooms, as of August 27...

For Decades, Polluters Knew PFAS Chemicals Were Dangerous But Hid Risks From Public

For nearly 70 years, chemical companies like 3M and DuPont have known that the highly fluorinated chemicals called PFAS build up in our blood. They've known for almost that long that PFAS chemicals...

CVS Will Remove Harmful Ingredients From Sunscreens

CVS, one of the nation's largest drugstore chains, recently announced it will phase out two common sunscreen ingredients, oxybenzone and octinoxate, from many of its store-brand sun-protection...

Study: Renewables Pay for Themselves in Health Benefits

Doubling the amount of renewable energy in nine Rust Belt and mid-Atlantic states could yield $20 billion in public health benefits, according to a new peer-reviewed study – additional evidence that a...

Unpacking the ‘Clean’ Claims Made by 3 Beauty Boxes

I try to stay up to date on the latest beauty trends, especially when they involve products advertised as “clean” or “nontoxic.” Even before my internship with EWG's Healthy Living Science team, I...

10 Ways Trump Has Undermined Chemical Safety

President Trump toured a Shell chemical plant in Pennsylvania Tuesday, supposedly to promote his economic agenda. According to reports, he went off script quite a bit – but one thing he definitely...

Update: Trump’s USDA Trade Bailout Flows to City Slickers, a D.C. Lobbyist and ‘Farms’ on Golf Courses

Farm bailout payments intended to offset the impacts of President Trump's trade war have instead flowed to an estimated more than 9,000 “city slickers” who live in the nation's largest cities, an...

Dog Deaths Linked to Harmful Algae Blooms

Last week, Melissa Martin and Denise Mintz took their dogs – Abby, Harpo and Lizzy – for a swim in a pond near their home in Wilmington, N.C. Within hours, the dogs grew sick and died, apparent...

Keeping Kids Safe from Toxic Algae

Outbreaks of potentially toxic algae are fouling lakes, rivers and other bodies of water across the U.S. Nationally, news reports on algae outbreaks have been on the rise since 2010.

Toxic Chemicals at School? 8 Important Questions To Ask

When my daughter was in preschool, she told me that instead of washing hands before lunch, the children used hand sanitizer. The thinking behind this was probably that hand sanitizer kills bacteria...

9 Cellphone Safety Tips for Back to School

It's probably not news to you that cellphone use may be harmful to you and your kids. Studies have found a possible link between cellphone radiation and brain and heart tumors, not to mention a range...

Curbing Polluting Farm Runoff Is Key to Fighting the Epidemic of Toxic Algae Blooms

In 2011, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., fell “deathly sick” from a severe upper respiratory illness after swimming in a lake infected with toxic algae. Inhofe, a notorious science-denying patron of...

It’s Time To Ban PFAS from Food Packaging

The recent discovery of fluorinated chemicals, or PFAS, in food packaging should serve as a reminder that our diets are as big a source as drinking water of these toxic compounds in our bodies.

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