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Displaying 741 - 760 of 4074

States Stick Ratepayers With $15 Billion To Rescue Nukes

After repeatedly floating specious bailout schemes, Energy Secretary Rick Perry now admits the federal government has no legal authority to prop up aging nuclear power plants. But in the past three...

This Fourth of July, You’ll See 70 Percent More Algae Outbreaks Than Last Year

Over the Fourth of July holiday, many of us love to beat the heat in a favorite lake, pond or river. But this year, vacationers from coast to coast will have to look out for a potentially record...

Roundup at Recess? How to Get Cancer-Causing Pesticides Off Your Local Playground

Two University of California, Berkeley alumnae recently succeeded in convincing the entire UC system to suspend its use of the cancer-causing pesticide glyphosate in its landscaping. If they can do...

Under Udall Proposal, Wind and Solar Would Be Dominant US Energy Source in 15 Years

Congress now has an opportunity to accelerate the urgently needed transition to renewable energy with a nationally coordinated effort. Today Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) filed legislation to require all...

EWG Applauds Rep. Pallone for Oversight of Imported Cosmetics

EWG today applauded House Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) for demanding new data from the Food and Drug Administration on the safety of imported cosmetics.

State Renewables Standards Propel the Clean Energy Revolution

Thirty states, from Hawai'i to Vermont, have adopted renewable energy standards that require utilities to produce more and more energy from wind and solar.

Open the Window for Fresh Air, Get Lead Instead

Because of the contamination crisis in Flint, Mich., most people know about the health threat of lead in drinking water. But water isn't the chief source of lead poisoning. It's windows. And warm...

Duke Energy Refuses to Acknowledge the New Realities of the Electricity Market

Duke Energy's new 20-year plan for generating power for its 840,000 Indiana customers shows why the nation's largest electric utility is Public Energy Enemy No. 1. It continues the utility's outdated...

PFAS Chemicals Harm the Immune System, Decrease Response to Vaccines, New EWG Review Finds

Toxic PFAS chemicals, notorious for contaminating drinking water supplies across the U.S., are harmful to nearly every human organ, and the immune system is particularly vulnerable. PFAS mixtures...

Studies: Heart Disease and Death Tied to Ultraprocessed Foods

One in five U.S. adults gets 81 percent of their calories from so-called ultraprocessed foods, industrially processed foods that are hyperpalatable and highly profitable formulations of ingredients...

Nitrates in Tap Water: What Parents Need to Know

A new EWG study published in Environmental Research found that nitrate, one of the most common contaminants of drinking water, may cause up to 12,594 cases of cancer per year, but that's not its only...

7 Reasons Your Family May Want To Become Vegetarian

You've likely heard that eating meat and poultry isn't good for your health or the planet. Recent news from Washington may make meat even less palatable: Pork inspections may be taken over by the...

FOIA Data Show Thousands Exceed Payment Limit for Trump’s Farm Bailout

Nearly 3,500 farms have received more than $125,000 each in bailout payments intended to offset the impacts of President Trump's trade war, according to an EWG analysis of Department of Agriculture...

EWG’s Guide to a Healthy Summer

For many families, summer means a whole new routine – different schedules, carpools and activities, and kids spending more time outside. These changes bring a whole new set of considerations about how...

PFAS Nation: Toxic Discharges Suspected From Almost 500 Industrial Facilities Across U.S.

At least 475 industrial facilities across the nation could be discharging the toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS into the air and water, according to an EWG analysis of government data.

The Huge Cost of Toxic Algae Contamination

The city of Toledo, Ohio, is spending an astounding $54 million on a new treatment facility to remove contaminants, including toxins produced by algae blooms, from its drinking water.

Toxic Algae Blooms: What You Should Know

Toxic algae blooms are a growing epidemic, polluting lakes and other waterways across the U.S., as a 2018 EWG report revealed. They can occur any time, but they thrive when water is warmer, usually...
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