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Displaying 861 - 880 of 4074

Smoke Is a Big Health Risk as California Wildfires Rage On

Deadly wildfires continue to blaze in Northern and Southern California. Dozens of people are dead, hundreds more missing and entire communities have been destroyed.

Billionaires and Beach Bums Should Not Receive Farm Subsidies

Farm subsidies should help farmers, not billionaires and beach bums, right?

A Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer May Be in Your Tap Water. Here’s What to Do About It

As a child, I thought anybody who refused to drink tap water was just too picky. But once you learn about the array of potentially harmful chemicals in U.S. tap water, you realize it's smart to...

The Future of Energy Is Blowing in the Wind

In 2009, a study in the research journal Utilities Policy concluded that wind and other sources of renewable energy would “never be able to contribute significantly to electric power supply.” What a...

EWG’s Stress-Free Thanksgiving Menu

As we head into the holiday season, the marathon task of preparing a Thanksgiving dinner or even just one dish to contribute as a guest – may be stressful. To help you combat the inevitable stress...

Eating an Organic Diet May Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Frequently eating a variety of organic foods may significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer, according to a groundbreaking study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association...

Coal’s Last Gasp Is a Win-Win for the Economy and Public Health

For some time we've been calling the decline of the coal industry “a death spiral.” Now it's more accurate to call it coal's last gasp.

Nearly 20,000 ‘City Slickers’ Received Farm Subsidies in 2017

Nearly 20,000 people living in the nation's 50 largest cities received federal farm subsidies in 2017, according to a new EWG analysis.

EWG's Guide To A Healthy Thanksgiving

Roughly a third of the meat on every turkey goes straight into the garbage. If you tend not to finish your leftovers, buy a smaller bird this year. Try an organic, local or heritage turkey or one...

10 Healthy-ish Halloween Treats That Won’t Make Your Kids Roll Their Eyes. (Much.)

Parents are trapped in the Halloween guilt vortex: going full-scale green mom, handing out whole walnuts or pennies or dental floss to avoid loading kids with sugar and additives but thereby making...

New Round of EWG Testing Finds Glyphosate in Kids’ Breakfast Foods from Quaker Oats, General Mills

Glyphosate, an herbicide that is heavily used in the U.S., was detected in all 28 oat-based cereal and breakfast products sampled in a new round of testing commissioned by EWG.

Trump’s War on Children’s Health Escalates at Wheeler’s EPA

Under President Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency has repeatedly betrayed its responsibility to safeguard the health of children. But in recent weeks, the hostile actions of the president and...

Bipartisan Group of Florida Representatives Want the Farm Bill to Tackle Algae Outbreaks

Hurricane Michael is rapidly advancing toward Florida, raising concerns that the storm could worsen and spread the red tide that is plaguing a 145-mile stretch of the state's Gulf Coast. Although...

Update: Algae Outbreaks Rose 40 Percent in 2018

Outbreaks of potentially toxic algae in U.S. lakes, rivers and other waterways rose by an additional 40 percent this year compared to 2017, according to EWG's tracking of news reports.
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