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Displaying 1561 - 1580 of 4071

In Chemical Reform Law A Hidden Bailout for Monsanto’s Pollution

As the New York Times reported today, federal lawmakers may be about to give Monsanto a multi billion-dollar break. H.R. 2576, The TSCA Modernization Act, is a bill designed to update our nation's...

Will Consumers Scan QR Codes?

Will consumers use their smartphones to figure whether the food they're buying contains genetically engineered ingredients, or GMOs?

Chefs Shine Light On GMOs

I love chefs. They make delicious meals, create food innovations to tantalize our taste buds and have (arguably) some of the best reality TV shows. And now they've come together to stand up for our...

Maryland County Bans Lawn Pesticides - or Does it?

The Montgomery County, Maryland, Council has passed an ordinance banning what it calls “cosmetic pesticides” on private lawns. The devil, however, is in the details. The term “cosmetic” means...

Federal Agencies Investigate Safety of Crumb Rubber on Playgrounds

Three U.S. government agencies have teamed up to investigate the safety of widely used crumb rubber surfaces on playgrounds and playing fields. To date, safety studies of crumb rubber – tiny “crumbs”...

Corn Lobby’s GMO Labeling Study “Preposterous”

Labeling food that contains genetically engineered, or “GMO,” ingredients will not cost the preposterous $81.9 billion that the corn industry claims. The new study – paid for by the Corn Refiners...

Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Senate DARK Act

This week, the Senate Committee on Agriculture will consider a new version of the DARK Act. The House of Representatives has already passed legislation blocking your right to know what's in your food...

Consumers Want Simple Labels, Not Codes

Busy consumers want ingredients disclosed on food labels – not embedded in electronic codes that must be scanned with a smart phone.

GMO Labeling Won’t Increase Food Prices

William James, the father of modern psychology, once said, “There's nothing so absurd, that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it.” This must be the strategy of genetically engineered...

Will The Senate Keep Us In the DARK?

Some members of the Senate are trying to lure their colleagues to the dark side by cosponsoring a version of what critics call the DARK – Deny Americans the Right to Know – Act.

How Big Food Secretly Spent $11 million to Beat Washington State GMO Labeling Measure

The Grocery Manufacturers Association covered up $11 million in corporate payments for an aggressive ad campaign that helped defeat a Washington State GMO labeling ballot initiative, according to...

How Much of Monsanto’s Weed Killer Is In Your Food?

The Food and Drug Administration plans to start testing food for traces of glyphosate, the world's most commonly used pesticide. I know what you're thinking: the federal government wasn't doing that...

EPA Isn’t Protecting Americans from Monsanto’s Roundup

The Environmental Protection Agency is falling short in its duty to protect Americans from the dangers of glyphosate, the most widely used weed killer in agriculture, according to a scientific review...

How to Filter Lead from Your Tap Water

Throughout most of the 20th Century, American cities and homeowners installed lead pipes and solder in their tap water delivery systems – creating a toxic legacy for all of us. And the problem isn't...

Science For Sale: Ford Spends $40M to Discredit Danger of Asbestos Brakes

In 1971 Ford Motor Company decided that $1.25 per car was too much to spend on safer alternatives to asbestos brakes. Thirty years later, in the face of mounting lawsuits, Ford began spending millions...

Got Organic Milk?

Many people buy organic food because of the humane animal care requirements and environmental benefits, but is it actually better for you?

Cancer and the Environment: 10 Common Misconceptions Answered

As a cancer epidemiologist, I've spent a lot of time researching the links between environmental contaminants and cancer. One of the pitfalls of the Digital Age is that people come across a lot of...

S.C. Johnson To Disclose Fragrance Ingredients

Do you wonder whether your air freshener's formulation is safe? Are you tired of reading product labels with the catch-all terms “fragrance” or “natural fragrance” but no specific ingredients?

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

We're fooling ourselves if we think that voluntary conservation efforts are going to solve the Corn Belt's dirty water problems.

UC Berkeley Scientist Developing Method to Identify Chemicals That May Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Megan Schwarzman, an environmental health researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, has come up with a novel approach to screening synthetic chemicals and pollutants for their potential to...

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