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Displaying 1621 - 1640 of 4074

No, Bacon isn’t Greener Than Lettuce

You may have seen the headlines yesterday claiming bacon is better for the environment than lettuce. Bacon cheeseburger lovers may have cheered the news, but a closer look shows the claim has more...

More Candy for Cotton Farmers?

Greed, at least when it comes to the cotton industry and its lobbyists, isn't taking a break this holiday season. Cotton farmers cut a sweet deal in the 2014 farm bill. In return for their very own...

Check Your Home for Cancer-Causing Radon

You've installed smoke detectors and tested for carbon monoxide. But could another dangerous gas be sneaking into your home?

Wellness Chat: The Importance Of Nutrition In Cancer Prevention

Wellness Chat is a new EWG series bringing you the latest news on cancer prevention through discussions with experts in the field. Today's guest: Jocelyn Weiss, Ph.D

Wellness Chat: The Importance of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention

Wellness Chat is a new EWG series bringing you the latest news on cancer prevention through discussions with experts in the field. Today's guest: Jocelyn Weiss, Ph.D.

Chicago Tribune Exposé: EPA Cooked the Books to OK Dow's Dangerous Weed Killer

Last year EWG found serious flaws behind the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's decision to let Dow Chemical Co. sell a new weed poison combining 2,4-D and glyphosate for use on genetically...

Nothing Smart About “Smart Label”

Big Food's new “Smart Labels” proposal is no substitute for a simple GMO disclosure on food packaging.

Broad Coalition Opposes Hill Efforts to Deny Consumers the Right to Know

In a letter to Congressional leaders sent this week, nearly 300 environmental advocacy, farming and fishing groups and food companies voiced strong opposition to a plan to tack a provision onto the...

Feeding Antibiotics to Healthy Animals Risks Children’s Health

The influential American Academy of Pediatrics, which numbers 64,000 pediatricians, has added its voice to the growing movement of public health professionals who are demanding an end to the dangerous...

Earth to Paris: Corn Ethanol is a Climate Disaster

Corn ethanol, once thought of as a way for the U.S. to cut carbon pollution, is conspicuously absent from the emissions reduction plan the White House submitted ahead of the global climate conference...

Thanksgiving Meal Ideas and Favorite Recipes by EWG Experts

Thanksgiving ushers in the most festive time of year. The house is packed with kids. Everyone's thoughts revolve around feast food: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and sweet treats like pumpkin or...

Time to Lift the Veil of Secrecy from the Crop Insurance Program

The head of the crop insurance industry's trade group is objecting to an EWG analysis that found that crop insurance companies could easily absorb cuts to their taxpayer-guaranteed rate of return. But...

Common Preservative in Personal Care Products Linked to Breast Cancer

Low levels of chemical preservatives widely used in cosmetics, shampoos, skin lotions and other personal care products may be linked to breast cancer, according to a new study from researchers at the...

Reid Opposes Deal to Restore Crop Insurance Industry's Higher Rate of Return

A back-room deal to restore crop insurance companies' sky-high guaranteed rate of return won't stand if Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has anything to say about it.

Don’t Let The DARK Act Sneak Through Congress

Some lawmakers are trying to slip the darkest part of the DARK Act onto the must-pass spending bill Congress will consider.

VIDEO: Ken Cook Answers Your Questions About the DARK Act

There are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to GMO labeling and the many implications of what we call the Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK, Act.

Ethanol Industry Study Fudges the Numbers

A study released today by the Renewable Fuels Association makes the bogus claim that the use of corn ethanol as a vehicle fuel reduced emissions by 240 million tons of carbon dioxide since 2008.

GMO Salmon Approved for Your Dinner Plate

The Food and Drug Administration today (Nov. 19) approved genetically engineered salmon for human consumption, making it the first genetically engineered animal destined to reach American grocery...

Who Wants Marshmallows?

The sweetest dish at your Thanksgiving dinner may not be the pie. On countless Thanksgiving tables, nestled somewhere between the turkey, gravy and green beans, sits a sweet potato casserole, topped...

Infants' Exposure to Toxic Fire Retardant Linked to Baby Items

Evidence of a chemical linked to cancer and hormone disruption was found in the urine of all babies tested for a new study from Duke University. The sources, researchers say, could be nursery gliders...

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