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Displaying 1741 - 1760 of 4071

222 Scientists Call for Reduced Use of Stain- and Waterproofing Chemicals Common in Clothing, Carpets and Cookware

“Stain-resistant, Nonstick, Waterproof and Lethal” is how journalist Callie Lyons refers to a chemical called C8 that's found in the bodies of nearly all humans and animals on the planet. Exposure to...

Too Dangerous For War On Drugs, But O.K. For GMOs?

Does the president of Colombia care more about the health of coca cultivators than President Obama cares about the health of U.S. farmworkers?

Voluntary Programs to Reduce Farm Run-off Still Aren’t Working

A new analysis in Choices Magazine shows that voluntary agricultural pollution programs still aren't working.

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Blankets GMO Crops Near Schools

Genetically engineered crops, or GMOs, have led to an explosion in growers' use of herbicides, with the result that children at hundreds of elementary schools across the country go to class close by...

The Corn Ethanol “Bridge” Is Crumbling

The Congressional notion that ethanol could act as a bridge to truly green biofuels is crumbling before our eyes.

Chipotle, GMOs and Monsanto’s Toxic Glyphosate

Chipotle gets it. The popular quick-service restaurant understands that genetically engineered foods, called GMOs, are often grown in a way that is harmful to the environment.

Chemicals in Food Wrappers and Outdoor Clothing Linked to Spike in Miscarriages

More bad news about the nonstick, greaseproof and waterproof chemicals in cookware, food wrappers, outdoor clothing and even cosmetics: In a Danish study, women whose blood had high levels of these...

Teflon-Killing Canaries and the American Dream

As a new EWG report shines a light on DuPont's poisoned legacy in the mid-Ohio River Valley, it's a good time to look back at Teflon's canary effect.

Senate Environmental Champions: Making the Best of Bad Chemistry

Much more than a long memory is needed these days to recall the golden age of GOP environmentalism. A feat of imagination is required.

Boondoggle: “Prevented Planting” Insurance Plows Up Wetlands, Wastes $Billions

A new EWG report released this week pulls back the curtain on the billions of taxpayer dollars that get wasted every year through the “prevented planting” federal crop insurance program that...

Monsanto’s and Dow’s Herbicides = More Toxic Exposures for Farmworkers

More than 90 percent of Americans want GMOs to be labeled because they want the right to know what's in their food. One important reason to be informed is that growing GMOs has led to a massive...

Eight Steps to Real Chemical Reform

As two Congressional committees develop legislation to update the nation's broken toxic chemicals law, it's good to remember what real reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 should look...

Food Multinationals Behind Attacks on Dr. Oz and Consumer Rights

The front group of all front groups, the American Council on Science and Health, has not disclosed its donor list since the early 1990's.

Kraft’s Mac & Cheese Gets an Overhaul at Last

Kraft's mac and cheese boxed dinner marks an essential part of childhood for many Americans. For some of us, it just about defines “comfort food.”

New Cosmetics Framework Provides a Path Forward

Moving to address a gaping void in the nation's system of consumer protections, Senators Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) today (April 16) filed a bill – the “Personal Care...

EWG’s #FightForChemicalSafety Campaign

The fight for chemical safety is on! It's time for Congress to hear from you – that you're fighting for real reform and your family's health. Take a stand today and join EWG's #FightForChemicalSafety...

There is Nano-WHAT in My Food?

Are intentionally engineered nanoparticles being added to our food? We don't know for sure – and federal food regulators aren't helping us find out the truth.

What Would It Take for the EPA to Test Every Major Chemical for Safety?

As the Congressional debate over how to fix the failed Toxic Substances Control Act heats up, we have to ask: What would it take for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to assess the safety of...

How American Industry Skips Some Chemical Safety Checks

American industry often avoids the federal government's chemical safety checks in an unexpected way, by relying on chemicals “grandfathered” by the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act, according to a...

Toxic Cadmium in Jewelry: States Lead in Protecting Kids

In the absence of adequate federal regulation of hazardous chemicals, the states have stepped up to protect public health and the environment.

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