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Displaying 1921 - 1940 of 4071

America’s Corn Boom is Running Dry

Corn is in the food we eat, the soda we drink, the gas we buy, plastics, cleaners – it's everywhere. Producing all that corn is a $1.7 trillion industry in the United States, and as a new report...

Wave of Support for School Nutrition Standards

More than 200 national, state and local organizations and dozens of health professionals signed onto a letter declaring their support for an amendment proposed by Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.) to protect...

Who’s Really Confused?

EWG's recent report, “Ethanol's Broken Promise,” came under attack last week (June 12) by researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory who challenged our conclusion that reducing the amount of corn...

The Real Voice Behind the “Lunch Ladies”

In the ongoing campaign to get Congress to weaken federal requirements for healthier school lunches and snacks, the School Nutrition Association is trying to create the impression that it speaks for...

Reducing Fertilizers Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions

When people think about the causes of global warming, the food they eat typically doesn't make the short list. But agriculture is responsible for 80 percent of human-caused emissions of nitrous oxide...

Four Myths the Ethanol Industry Wants You to Believe

The Renewable Fuels Association, a well-funded lobbyist group for Big Ethanol, recently responded to EWG's report, Ethanol's Broken Promise, by claiming that corn ethanol isn't worse for the climate...

Pizza and French Fry Lobbyists Also Speak For Lunch Ladies?

School lunch ladies and frozen pizza and french fry companies have more in common than the food they serve: they have also been represented by the same lobbyists.

Obama: Corn Ethanol Thirstier Than Gasoline

We already knew that corn ethanol produces more greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline. Now the Obama Administration says corn ethanol is thirstier than gasoline.

EPA Disregards Toxic Weed Killer’s Risks to Children

The Environmental Protection Agency appears poised to approve Dow Chemical's bid to market a new toxic weed killer based on an agency analysis that failed to consider its danger to children's health...

Cutting Corn Ethanol Will Lower Greenhouse Emissions Now

The Obama Administration is right to demand cuts to greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. But those reductions won't be a reality until 2030. If the Administration wants to cut emissions right...

Chemical Industry Tops Vitter Super PAC Donors

The American Chemistry Council, a trade association of major chemical makers, is among the largest donors to a fund created to support Sen. David Vitter's campaign for governor of Louisiana.

Ethanol’s Broken Promise

Taking 580,000 cars and trucks off the road would reduce a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. And something like that would happen if a proposal by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency becomes...

Study: Glyphosate Doubles Risk of Lymphoma

Scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer have found what appears to be a strong link between pesticide exposure and a blood cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Chemical Industry Political Spending Surges

As Congress rushes to complete a new law that would seek to “reform” the decades-old Toxic Substances Control Act, political spending by chemical companies and their trade association has reached...

Five Ways to Get Your Kid to Wear Sunscreen

“Mom, I don't want to look like a ghost.” Ever heard that? We sure have. EWG has been the go-to source for information on sunscreens for busy people and parents for nearly a decade. This year, we...

Children’s Cereals Still Too Sweet

What percentage of your child's favorite cereal is sugar? 10 percent? 20 percent? Try 50 percent (by weight), if your child is a fan of cereals like Kellogg's Honey Smacks or Apple Jacks with...

1,000 Chemicals

Last month, the EPA official responsible for reviewing the safety of chemicals used in thousands of every-day products was asked how many chemicals in use are so dangerous they should get a harder...

GMO Labeling is About Consumer Choice

Will Coggin, a senior research analyst at the Center for Consumer Freedom, wrote in The Hill last week that “Vermont became the first state to mandate de facto warning labels on genetically improved...

Reworked Bill Would Still Lead to More Toxic Chemicals in Commerce

A revised draft of legislation to update the failed federal law that regulates toxic chemicals, which was released by Republican Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois following stiff criticism of his initial...

Why Is Feeding Hungry People “Cheating” But Farm Subsidy Abuse Is… Fine?

The USDA Inspector General's audit, released earlier this month, found that the heavily-subsidized crop insurance program suffered from an error rate for improper payments of at least 5.23 percent...
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