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Displaying 1981 - 2000 of 4071

Genetic Engineering Has No Place In “Natural” Foods

Supermarket shelves are loaded with products that display the label “natural.” The food industry likes to use the word to persuade consumers that what they're buying is somehow better for them, their...

Obama and Vilsack Push For Conservation Compliance

The Obama Administration is ramping up efforts to link crop insurance subsidies with conservation requirements.

EWG's Sean Gray Investigates BB & CC Creams

How did I spend my summer? I hung around department store makeup aisles, looking for the much talked about “miracle” makeup, BB and CC creams. You should have seen the looks I got as I dabbed the...

On Thanksgiving, Thank An Organic Farmer

When you gather around the table this Thanksgiving with family and friends, don't forget to give thanks to the organic farmers who grow our food in ways that protect the environment.

The Hidden Truth About Peanuts: From Food Allergies to Farm Practices

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich hasn't always been a loaded weapon on a lunchroom table.

Congress Plays Hunger Games with Our Vets

If you fast-forward your TV during the celebrity segments on Real Time with Bill Maher, you probably missed an important conversation during the November 15th episode driven by actor Casey Affleck...

Are Anti-Aging Products The Fountain Of Youth? Really?

EWG has long sounded the alarm that the FDA does not subject cosmetics to similar premarket reviews for efficacy and safety. After you've read a few ads for anti-aging creams, you might be asking...

Republican Support Continues To Grow For Conservation Compliance

There has long been bipartisan support for conservation compliance by farmers and politicians alike. Now more than ever, those leading the way in reauthorizing the farm bill may hear a growing number...

Crop Insurance Subsidies Could Provide Bumper Crop of Budget Savings

Reducing subsidies to large farm businesses, crop insurance companies and their agents, and trimming their windfall profits could generate enormous savings, EWG has found.

In Defense of Billionaires

EWG's latest analysis of billionaires who reaped federal farm dollars seems to have hit a nerve with folks who – unsurprisingly – benefit from these same government handouts.

Millennial Momentum

I am a millennial – one of the roughly 50 million Americans born after 1980 and coming of age in the 21st Century. Generational theorists have called me lazy, narcissistic and entitled. But they've...

Stewardship Stories Document Benefits – For Taxpayers and Farmers

Every day, thousands of farmers take steps to reduce polluted runoff and restore wetlands and grasslands. Many more would help, but 40 percent of farmers have been turned away by the U.S. Department...

Subsidies and Ethanol Mandate Fuel Massive Dust Storms

Dust storms have re-emerged across much of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas, fueled by the same combination of persistent drought, plowing up fragile land and poor public policy that led to the...

Waxman, DeGette Urge White House To Curb Toxic Diesel in Fracking Fluid

Diesel fuels contain highly toxic chemicals, one of which is benzene, a known carcinogen. Even very small concentrations of benzene can contaminate water supplies. If benzene and other toxic chemicals...

Poverty Grows in Many Counties Alongside Higher Farm Subsidies

Many counties where federal crop insurance subsidies rose between 2008 and 2012 also had an increase in poverty over that period, a finding that undermines the oft-repeated arguments that farm...

Belgium Boosts Cell Phone Radiation Safeguards

Belgium recently adopted new cell phone regulations that bar mobile phone models designed for, and marketed to children ages 7 and younger. Under Belgium's new rules, slated to take effect next March...

Chemical Agriculture on the Attack, Again

Keeping politicians on message can sometimes be difficult. That also holds true of corporate chiefs and movie stars. Even the most seasoned, media-savvy folks veer off their talking points on occasion...

Crop Insurance: A never-ending disaster

As the cost of crop insurance has ballooned – from less than $500 million a year in the 1990s to more than $14 billion in 2012[1] – the program's most ardent defenders keep repeating the same mantra...

At the Gym: Foam Pits Filled with Fire Retardants

A landmark study led by Courtney Carignan of the Dartmouth Center for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research has found that the blood of 11 female collegiate gymnasts ages 18...

EWG Lab Test, HBO Documentary Highlight Toxic Risk of Fire Retardants

Today (Nov. 13) in Seattle, HBO will screen a disturbing new documentary, The Toxic Hot Seat, that highlights the growing risk to firefighters – and the general public – of fire retardant chemicals...
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