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Displaying 2001 - 2020 of 4062

Means Testing Rich Farmers

Doesn't it make sense to subject some of the richest farmers to a means test when they seek federal subsidies to pay for their crop insurance?

Calls for Crop Insurance Reform and Environmental Protections Get Louder

An interactive map developed by the Environmental Working Group shows where more than 660 U.S. newspapers have published editorials since 2007 demanding meaningful reform of the federal farm bill.

Staunch Advocate For Genetic Engineering Urges GMO Labeling for Food

Mark Lynas, maybe the most famous apologist for GMO foods ever, this week urged a gathering of food and biotech industry employees to stop battling the growing movement to label foods made with...

It’s Only Fair: Protecting the Land in Return for Subsidies

The pending Senate version of the farm bill includes a provision to relink conservation compliance with crop insurance subsidies. Chairman Lucas's competing House version does not.

Lose Your Lunch: Congressional Food Fight Imperils Food Safety

The Food and Drug Administration's food inspectors have also been deemed non-essential – meaning that America's food manufacturing plants will not be inspected until Congress decides to pass...

Farming Isn’t a Requirement to Claim Farm Subsidies

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released Tuesday (Oct. 8) found that of the $1.5 billion in farm subsidies doled out in 2012 to people who were supposedly “actively engaged” in farming...

Let’s Fix America’s Broken and Unfair Energy System

It is essential to take fully into account the long-term risks and costs to health, environment and communities of all energy resources and to adopt policies based on least cost to consumers and...

Government Shutdown Puts Public Health at Risk

What's worth denying even a single child with cancer available and potentially life-saving treatment? Nothing – in my book. By shuttering the federal government, the Tea Party wing of the House of...

McDonald’s Makes the Switch from Foam to Paper Hot Cups

McDonald's restaurants finish the job of eliminating polystyrene containers as they switch to paper cups for hot beverages.

Farm Bill Expiration Jeopardizes Key Programs

Even if the government miraculously opens for business tomorrow, several critically important USDA conservation and nutrition programs will be shuttered.

California’s New Fracking Law: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Last Friday, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a major bill that promises to regulate fracking in California for the first time. But don't get too excited. Sen. Fran Pavley's fracking bill, known as S.B. 4, is...

Asbestos Victims Unite on Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Michael Bradley of Tunnel Hill, Georgia has spent the past 17 months in and out of surgery fighting peritoneal mesothelioma, a rare and usually fatal abdominal cancer caused by exposure to asbestos...

Chemical Industry to Pregnant Women: Don’t Worry your Pretty Little Heads

I had two challenging pregnancies filled with uncertainty and stress. Thankfully, the end result was two healthy kids. One thing was certain, though – I could handle the truth. I wanted all the facts...

Not Feeding the Hungry while Misusing Scripture

Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) is no longer the only member of Congress who's publicly quoting the Bible to justify his votes to cut food stamps for the poor while increasing farm subsidies for the...

Urge Obama, EPA to Develop Strong Safety plans for Chemical Plants

There are safe, affordable alternatives to the dangerous chemicals like the ones used in the Texas fertilizer plant that exploded in April. But instead of making the switch, the chemical industry has...

Fracking Fluids Spill Caused Kentucky Fish Kill

Toxic “fracking” fluids that spilled into a Kentucky creek after they were used to drill four natural gas wells were the cause of a major fish kill that included a threatened species, a new federal...

Lawmakers “Representing” Most of the Hungriest Counties Voted to Cut SNAP

If you live in one of America's 100 hungriest counties, there is a one-in-three chance that you rely on food stamps. There is also a pretty good chance that your member of Congress just voted to kick...

12 Chemical Facilities Putting the Most Americans at Risk

There are more than 12,000 chemical plants that put Americans at risk with large amounts of chemicals, and 89 of those endanger more than 1 million people. Unfortunately, those most at risk in the...

California Needs Corn Ethanol Reform

The federal requirement to blend nearly 14 billion gallons of corn ethanol into gasoline – more than the system can physically absorb – is slowing the nation's transition to low carbon fuels, harming...

Robin Hood in Reverse

The House of Representatives will debate this week whether to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by $40 billion over the next 10 years – and eliminate food assistance for roughly...
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