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Displaying 2021 - 2040 of 4062

A Senate Plan to Protect Cancer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive and incurable form of cancer. It is almost always caused by inhaling tiny asbestos fibers, which pass through the lungs and become embedded in the mesothelium, a thin...

Major Corporations Take Key Steps to Put Consumer Health First

Yesterday marked a major victory for American consumers as mega-retailer Walmart announced a Sustainable Chemistry initiative that takes an important step toward protecting the health and wellness its...

Shoppers Want to Know – Even if Labels Rarely Change Their Minds

Studies show that labeling genetically engineered foods won't result in big changes in consumers' buying choices at the store, but they say overwhelmingly that they want the information.

Subsidizing the Wealthiest Farmers in the Hungriest Counties

Did you know that many counties with the highest rates of food stamp users are also home to recipients of huge farm subsidies?

New “Chemical Safety” Bill Would Put People at Greater Risk

There's a growing consensus – except in the chemical industry and among its lobbyists and allies in Congress – that when it comes to protecting people and the environment from dangerous chemicals, the...

So-called 'Clean Energy Standard' Protects Polluters

Putting “clean coal,” gas, nuclear, and unsustainable biomass under the “clean” umbrella is a triumph of rhetoric over reality. Nowhere does the "Clean Energy Standard" under discussion in Washington...

City Slickers Harvest Cash Crop

Residents of America's 54 largest cities collected more than $24 million in Direct Payment farm subsidies in 2012, according to new research by the Environmental Working Group.

Fight Back Against Dirty Energy’s PR Machine

The energy industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying and public relations to fend off pressure for necessary changes to their core businesses. The way to fight back is for local groups...

New Research Explores How a Widely Used Fire Retardant Could Trigger Cancer

Earlier this year a disturbing study showed that the brominated fire retardant TBBPA, which is widely used in consumer products, triggers cancer in lab animals. Now a new study suggests that the...

Back-to-School Shouldn’t Mean Back-to-Toxics

I spend lots of time thinking about toxic chemicals, so when I shop I get pretty annoyed. It's flame retardants again. They're in everything – kids' pajamas, nap mats, nursing pillows, even some of...

A Clean Energy Future Starts at the Grassroots

Alarmed by current U.S. energy policy, 60 Americans from all over the country came together in 2012 and earlier this year in Cambridge, Mass., to explore alternatives to the dangerous and misleading...

Crop Insurance Creates "Destructive Incentives" for Farmers: NRDC Study Confirms Fundamental Reform is Needed

A report released today (Aug. 27) by the Natural Resources Defense Council supplies the latest evidence that the federal crop insurance program desperately needs fundamental reform.

Fracking Waste Water Triggered 109 Quakes in Ohio

Still skeptical that underground disposal of gas drilling-related waste water in so-called “injection wells” can trigger earthquakes?

Back-to-School with Weelicious Lunches – for You and Your Children

With fall quickly approaching and some school bells already ringing, it's time to get back to thinking about what to pack for your kids' lunch. Your third grader might not give the food in his lunch...

What’s in a Name? Safe for Kids, Not Just Chemicals

Everybody – environmentalists and chemical industry executives alike – wants to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act. “Outdated” doesn't begin to describe a law that was cumbersome and weak on the...

More Corn Ethanol in 2013 Means Environment, Consumers Lose Out

The harm done to consumers and the environment by the federal biofuels mandate is destined to grow worse as a result of the recent decision to once again increase the amount of corn ethanol that must...

Pew: FDA allows untested chemicals in food

Scientists from Pew Charitable Trusts found that 54 percent of the chemicals added to food have never undergone the most basic safety tests recommended by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Pew...

Senator Formaldehyde’s ‘Chemical Safety’ Bill

These days, legislation rarely makes it through Congress without support from interest groups on both sides of the issue, forcing lawmakers to draft bills that are largely balanced. Now, however, the...

Is fragile land near you disappearing?

With interactive maps from EWG's new report Going Going Gone!, you can find the “hot spots” where wetlands and other fragile lands are being torn up for crops and wildlife habitat is being destroyed.

Real Chemical Reform Must Ban Asbestos

What you can't see can be deadly: virtually invisible, yet absolutely lethal asbestos fibers lead to environmental and occupational diseases that claim the lives of 30 Americans every day.

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