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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2261 - 2280 of 4062

2012 Farm Bill: Crop Insurance - The Secret, Flawed & Expensive Safety Net

The cost to taxpayers of the current crop insurance system has soared from $2.4 billion in 2001 to nearly $9 billion in 2011 as a result of high commodity prices and the generous premium subsidies...

2012 Farm Bill: Conservation and the Environment

America's water, soil and wildlife habitat have never been under greater assault from the ravages of modern industrial agriculture. And since industrial crop production is exempt from most federal...

"You Can't Find What You Don't Look For"

Our California fracking report continued to gain fantastic coverage this week with three large stories in Santa Cruz Weekly, Sacramento News and Review and Wines and Vines. Our president, Ken Cook...

Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging Must Go

Under mounting pressure from consumers, scientists, advocacy groups and lawsuits, the Food and Drug Administration is about to decide whether to ban the ubiquitous industrial chemical BPA (bisphenol-A...

Fracking and Endocrine Disruptors, Sunscreen and Endometriosis

Our California fracking report continued to gain fantastic coverage this week with three large stories in Santa Cruz Weekly, Sacramento News and Review and Wines and Vines. Our president, Ken Cook...

Ohio Regulators: Link Between Recent Quakes and Fracking 'Compelling,' Prompting New Standards

Polluted water resources. Compromised housing values. And now, earthquakes? As companies increasingly rely on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to expand U.S. oil and gas operations, regulators are...

An Earful: Corn Congress and the Cash Crop

“You learn something every day if you pay attention.” ~Ray LeBlond And that happened this morning, when in an online dialogue, a farming friend popped in, talking about his trip to DC for the “Corn...

Diapers, Pacifiers, Hazmat Onesies -- Parenting in a Toxic World

Last week, the New York Times ran a D-1 story titled "Is It Safe to Play Yet?" on parents working to detoxify their homes, featuring EWG. On the same day, the Los Angeles Times ran a story on fracking...

The Farm Subsidy Jackpot

Critics of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP (previously known as food stamps) claim some recipients are wrongly receiving benefits after winning lottery jackpots. SNAP...

EWG's work on toxics and natural resources

Here's a look at what the Environmental Working Group staff has been up to lately, and how our research, advocacy and commentary are being covered in the press.

FDA Warns Of Mercury in Skin Creams

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned this week that more than 35 imported skin creams, antiseptic soaps and anti-aging lotions have recently been tied to mercury poisoning that in some...

EWG to FDA: Step It Up on Formaldehyde-Laced Hair Straighteners

The maker of Brazilian Blowout -- one of numerous hair straighteners on the market containing formaldehyde, a known carcinogen -- is now required to provide health warnings on its product's packaging...

Don't let the lights go out on environmental journalism

A few days ago two California-based environmental reporters for the Associated Press who had made major contributions to the issue and their profession were taken off the beat. In the entire state of...

California: The Wild West of Fracking

In some states, oil and gas companies have begun to face (gasp!) some basic regulations, such as required reporting of where and when they hydraulically fracture (or "frack") wells, and even...

Concerned about Drilling in New York? So are scientists.

New York is considering lifting its moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, an oil and gas drilling technology in which large volumes of water, sand and chemicals are injected into the ground at high...

Honor the Conservation Compact

Some commitments should be honored. In exchange for farm subsidies, farmers have for decades committed to adopt land management practices that reduce the runoff from their fields – a provision of the...

Study: Toxic Chemicals Are Lowering Children's IQs

Three common environmental chemicals - lead, organophosphate pesticides and methyl mercury - may have effects on children's IQ in the overall population.

Don’t Let The Pesticide Lobby Play Bully

Tell USDA to stand by its pesticide data program. It's the time of year when the U.S. Department of Agriculture is preparing to release its annual pesticide data – information the Environmental...

Aldo Leopold: His Legacy Needed Now More Than Ever

Aldo Leopold was perhaps the most influential conservationist of the 20th century. He died nearly 65 years ago, yet his life's work continues to inspire us to love and respect our land, water and...

The Enemy Within: EPA's War with the White House

Since she assumed the position of administrator of the federal Environmental Protection Agency early in 2009, Lisa P. Jackson has done more than any previous EPA chief to reform how the government...
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