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Displaying 2281 - 2300 of 4062

The Corn Ethanol Lobby's Land Grab

December 31 marked the overdue demise of one of the government subsidies that has long propped up the corn ethanol industry. But if you think corn ethanol is now standing on its own in the energy...

Don't Let Your Child Be a Back Seat Smoker

Many parents who don't smoke - and have raised their kids to do the same - might be surprised to learn that their offspring could be secondhand-smoking a pack a week.

New Ethanol Blend Needs a Second Look

The National Academy of Sciences should review the health, environmental and safety effects of E15 ethanol blends before they're allowed on the market, but limiting EPA's authority to enforce the...

Follow The Food: Ensuring Greater Transparency in our Food Supply

As the 2012 food and farm policy fights heat up, entrepreneurs have some lessons for Washington. These were on full display at a recent TEDx Manhattan conference, where the innovative business leaders...

The Farm Bureau Bogeyman

When the farm bill fight gets rolling again in Congress, one question will be at the heart of the debate: Is it fair to ask farmers to take a few basic steps to protect soil and clean up waterways in...

Putting Real Food in School Lunches

More whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables will be on the menu for 31 million children who participate in the federally-supported National School Lunch Program under new nutrition standards...

Pesticide Defenders Say the Darndest Things

In an interview last week (Jan. 16) at the pesticide lobby's D.C. headquarters, Washington State University Environmental Toxicology Professor Allan Felsot told Energy and Environment News...

Local Food and The Farm Bill: Small Investments, Big Returns

For too long, funding provided by the United States' most far-reaching food and farm legislation has primarily benefited agri-business and large scale industrial-scale commodity farms that aren't...

Marine brass wants to limit Camp Lejeune water report

According to a Huffington Post article published today, U.S. Marine Corps officials have urged federal health experts not to release complete information about an ongoing federal water assessment at...


We've all seen (or at least heard of) the movie "Erin Brockovich" in which a bold and fiercely determined mom takes on a chemical company for exposing a small town and the families and children that...

The Farm Bill is a Climate Bill

Climate Change activists should be concerned about proposed cuts to farm bill conservation programs, which would be the carbon emissions equivalent of adding 2 million cars a year to America's roads...

Farm Subsidy Research and Analysis

Since 1995 U.S. taxpayers have sent $194 billion in subsidies to farmers including $5 billion per year in fixed direct payments paid regardless of need or crop price. Below is a list of recent EWG...

Louisville Water Co. Slashes Chrome-6 Pollution

In 2010, EWG identified chromium-VI contamination in the drinking water of 31 of the 35 cities we tested. One Kentucky city has stepped up to solve that problem.

EPA Slashes Cellulosic Biofuel Mandates. Again.

For the third consecutive year, the Environmental Protection Agency has drastically reduced cellulosic biofuel mandates, citing economic and technological hurdles. Even though industry officials...

Good, Bad and Truly Awful: Top Environmental Stories of 2011

People are messy. So is nature. And what people do when nature unleashes its fury often makes things worse. The staff at Environmental Working Group took a look at the major environmental news stories...

Tunnel Vision

Gulf state taxpayers help fund the creation of agriculture pollution they ultimately deal with. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has launched a new initiative to pay Gulf Coast farm businesses in...

Top Ten Food and Farm Stories of 2011

Advocates of healthy food and farm policy reform have had a lot of success in 2011.

Congress to Kids: Drop Dead

When Congress declared pizza a vegetable, it was hard to believe things could get much worse. But never underestimate politicians' ability to put corporate interests ahead of children's health.

'Tis the Season for Being Green in the Kitchen

Treat your guests to a home and food that are healthy for them and the environment. New for you this year: our Meat Eater's Guide to Climate and Health.

Hackers Unite to Visualize a Healthy Farm Bill

Making sense of the complex farm bill is the first step in bringing much-needed change to America's badly broken food and farm system.
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