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Displaying 2381 - 2400 of 4062

What Would Grover Norquist say?

The Western Farm Press, in a June 29 editorial by Harry Cline, its editor, labeled the Environmental Working Group “tax dodgers.” The headline, “Environmental Working Group dodges taxes on $90 million...

Cosmetics Industry To Disavow Hair Straighteners

Most people are - by now - well aware that overexposure to formaldehyde is unsafe. From the FEMA trailer fiasco (remember Katrina?) to the Obama administration's recent decision to classify...

Cosmetics Industry To Disavow Hair Straighteners

Most people are - by now - well aware that overexposure to formaldehyde is unsafe. From the FEMA trailer fiasco (remember Katrina?) to the Obama administration's recent decision to classify...

Food Deserts Boast Big Supporters, Funding Fizzles

When was the last time a big city mayor rode into office making “food deserts” one of his campaign issues?

On Propaganda: Fracking Fun for the Very Young

The natural gas industry has lost much support among adults who live in communities where fracking has left the water undrinkable and home values plummeting, but all is not lost.

Don Carr chats about the farm bill

Here's a video from EWG's Don Carr about the farm bill.

Top 10 Things You Should Know About The Farm Bill

The Environmental Working Group knows that you care about the affordability and availability of healthy food and clean drinking water. So we wanted to make sure you know as much as you can about the...

Once Again, Obama’s USDA Less Transparent than Bush’s

The ballooning national debt and Tea Party pressure has members of Congress running in the halls with their budget-cutting scissors in hand. The Senate Agriculture Committee is no exception.

Turning the Farm Bill into a Healthy Food Bill

It is the only important piece of environmental legislation that Congress is almost certain to enact over the next 18 months. And it's our best chance to fix major flaws in America's badly broken food...

City Slickers Continue To Rake In Farm Payments

Remember the last time you were smack in the middle of downtown Chicago or walking down a bustling street of Manhattan?

The Corn Ethanol Subsidy Wagon Loses a Wheel

Something remarkable happened in Washington last week. In a historic, game-changing vote, the Senate voted to put America's taxpayers and its soil and water ahead of special interests and the corn...

Fracking Hearing: Standing room only and plenty contentious

Following up on last week's contentious hearing in Washington, Pa., the U.S. Energy department has scheduled two all-day sessions for Tuesday, June 28, and Wednesday, July 13, to listen to people...

Having a Gas with Corn Ethanol

With Congress's appetite for ethanol souring, the corn ethanol lobby is digging deep for reasons to continue lavish government support for the environmentally damaging fuel. The Renewable Fuels...

9 Surprising Truths about Sunscreen

Sunscreens prevent sunburns, but beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about the safety and efficacy of these ubiquitous creams and sprays. FDA's failure to finalize its 1978 sunscreen...

Half-Baked: FDA's New Sunscreen Regulations Fall Short

Imagine grabbing a cookbook to find the perfect recipe for key lime pie to present at your summer barbeque. Thumbing through the pages, you locate an inviting entry. Only there are some problems.

U.S. (finally) Labels Formaldehyde "Known Human Carcinogen"

After decades of debate, the Obama administration last week classified formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen, a label that is likely to advance regulatory steps to restrict this widely used...

Arsenic Found in... Chicken

Did you think you were eating a carcinogen along with your favorite chicken sandwich last week? Probably not, but a new Food and Drug Administration study has found arsenic in chickens treated with 3...

Improving School Food: Do It Now or Pay the Price Later

Last week (May 30), the Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee voted to cripple the nation's budding effort to do something about the woeful quality of school food and make America's...

On Sunscreen: 4 Common Questions About SPF

Pretty much all I knew about sunscreen growing up was that SPF was some measure of how much sunburn protection came out of the bottle. Hard to believe that back in the day, the great debate was "6 or...

Best Friends Forever? Produce Growers and Pesticide Makers Deepen their Bond

In nearly two decades of research and advocacy on pesticides and human health, Environmental Working Group has never before seen the produce industry take a high-profile role in debates over pesticide...
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