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Areas of Focus

Displaying 2401 - 2420 of 4062

Spending Votes: The Good, the Bad and the Missing

Tuesday's (May 31) votes by the House Appropriations Committee represented one such baby step. For the first time in years, the committee in charge of setting federal spending levels decided that...

Who Really Needs a Haircut?

The House Appropriations Committee is set to vote today on a spending bill that makes deep cuts to a broad range of food assistance programs that provide vital nutritional support for the poor...

US Scientists Find BPA in Most Canned Foods

Ever since EWG's 2007 report about BPA in food can linings was released, I've walked right past the canned food aisle in my grocery store. In fact, about a year ago, a bunch of EWG staffers challenged...

Level the Playing Field? Uh, Never Mind.

When the corn ethanol lobby is fighting to defend its trifecta of government subsidies, it routinely rolls out its favorite “level playing field” talking point.

Here Comes the Sun, What Now?

Every year about this time my friends want to me to tell them exactly which sunscreen to buy. They want the one that works the best to protect skin with the least toxic ingredients. And who can blame...

Hey Baby, Your Stuff is Toxic!

Last year I cut small squares of foam from my sons' car seats, our glider rocker and my breastfeeding pillow, wrapped them in foil to prevent contamination and mailed them off to Duke University for...

Chesapeake Bay Program Will Get Highest Level of Funding Ever

One year ago, President Obama signed an executive order directing the federal government to take the lead in the faltering effort to control the pollution fouling Chesapeake Bay. The President said he...

Stacking a Fracking Panel

Energy secretary Stephen Chu claims that his panel studying the safety and environmental dangers of natural gas hydraulic fracturing is "diverse" and "respected."

Judge Grants Preliminary Approval of Black Farmers Settlement

A federal judge granted preliminary approval on May 13th of the $1.25 billion settlement for black farmers for decades of discrimination at the hands of the US Department of Agriculture. President...

Time for USDA to Release New Pesticide Residue Data

On Friday (May 13), Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook blew the whistle on the agri-chemical lobby's months-long effort to get the government to put the industry's spin on the upcoming...

Their Spray Rigs in a Twist

When industry lobbyists want the government to do something the public won't like, they usually go about it quietly. Not so for the produce and pesticide lobby.

U.S. Pediatricians to Congress: Reform Chemical Policy Now

U.S. pediatricians are putting their considerable muscle behind the calls for Congress to overhaul the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), a failed federal law that has exposed millions of children...

You Could Be On Your Own If Ethanol Messes up Your Engine

For thirty years, the corn ethanol industry has relied on the federal government's muscle to force expanded production and availability of its fuel. The most recent favor handed to the industry was...

When it Comes to E15, Never Mind the Data

When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) succumbed to the corn ethanol industry's demands in January and approved the sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol in newer vehicles, it glossed...

Keep Food from Becoming the New Oil

Food prices and food scarcity are quickly becoming the hidden driver in world politics, says pioneering environmental analyst Lester Brown, sparking political upheaval in the Middle East and...

Why we (still) don't trust Chesapeake Energy

April was a busy month for the natural gas industry in Pennsylvania, especially for one company in particular - Chesapeake Energy Corporation. And that's saying a lot for one of the country's most...

Protect our Water, Protect our Health

In March, DuPont, the behemoth chemical company whose factories have polluted groundwater in several communities in West Virginia, Ohio and New Jersey, agreed to pay $8.3 million to provide water...

Cancer: Putting Prevention First

Medical experts will never cease searching for cures for the gravest illnesses that afflict people. But a growing consensus is forming in the medical and public health communities that preventing...

Keeping Secrets Down on the Farm

Every year, taxpayers send billions to farm businesses to cover the cost of implementing conservation practices that help keep the soil on the land and limit the runoff of dirt and agricultural...

EWG's BPA Petition Delivered to Maine Governor

Maine just became the ninth state to ban the use of bisphenol A in baby products.
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