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Displaying 2421 - 2440 of 4062

Prenatal Pesticide Exposure Linked to Diminished IQ

In a 2010 meeting between the pesticide industry and the Obama Administration, the pesticide industry revealed its objective that government food testing data (like the USDA pesticide residue data EWG...

Fast Food Follies

Around this time last year the health-conscious crew at KFC headquarters gave the American consumer the Double Down chicken sandwich - 540 calories of bacon and cheese with no veggies, smashed between...

Watch "Bag It," Then Just Bag It

Plastic pollution: it's everywhere, from the gigantic garbage patch swirling in the Pacific Ocean to the cells of our bodies, a point EWG's President, Ken Cook, makes so well in this recent TEDx talk.

Cleaning Up Chesapeake Bay: One Company Steps Up

Leading lawn care products maker Scotts Miracle-Gro brought smiles to the faces of many Chesapeake Bay advocates last month with its announcement that it will eliminate phosphorus from its fertilizers...

Water utilities, meet water drinkers.

The Water Research Foundation, an offshoot of the American Water Works Association of water utilities, has accused Environmental Working Group of informing utility customers about the presence of...

Sen. Lautenberg Introduces Safe Chemicals Act of 2011

Once again, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) is leading the effort to try to contain the constant onslaught of dangerous industrial chemicals on our bodies.

Watching the Future Wash Away

Bad federal policy and intensifying storms are washing away the rich dark soils in the Midwest that made this country an agricultural powerhouse and that remain the essential foundation of a healthy...

Straighten This: Government Warns of Health Risks from Hair Straighteners

By Lee Ann Brown, EWG Press Secretary Straighten your hair? Better read this - and start loving those curls! The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued a health hazard alert...

Obama Must Ensure Safe Gas Drilling

By Dusty Horwitt, EWG Senior Counsel President Obama contends that natural gas drilling can help meet his goal of reducing U.S. imported oil consumption by a third by 2020. Yet, in a welcome change...

Thank You for Spraying

When Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio) spoke to the Organic Trade Association's Washington Policy Conference the other day, her talk had two parts: the part where she left the distinct impression that she...

Locking in Corn Ethanol Locks Out Alternatives

Proposals by the corn ethanol industry to have taxpayers subsidize construction of huge pipelines and specialized gasoline pumps and car engines designed to use large amounts of its product could cost...

Factory Food: You’re Welcome, America

Coalitions often help bring about real change for the public good. Not this one though.

Earth Day: If you've done one thing, you've done something.

Of course it shouldn't take the arrival of Earth Day to spur us to greater greenness. But the truth of it is, it works. Last year, it was on Earth Day that I (finally!) committed to taking my kids to...

New old news: 2004 Industry Tests Found 'Brockovich' Chemical Nationwide

Tap water industry representatives made no mention of their chromium-6 2004 study when they testified alongside EWG at a Feb. 2 Senate environment committee hearing on chromium-6 pollution.

Toxins in Our Kids' Foods: Where is the FDA?

Guest Post by Laurie David and Robyn O'Brien, EWG Board Member Yesterday, in the face of a just- released report by the National Cancer Institute that showed a 9.4% increase in childhood cancer...

Cut Spending – But Not My Farm Subsidies!

That some members of Congress are farmers is hardly new. Many of the Founding Fathers worked the land. But as the industrial age transformed America's agrarian society and technology made it possible...

Toxic trade mission: US pitched China on toxic medical products

In 2007, two members of Congress traveling on a tax-funded junket scolded a Chinese government official over tainted Chinese-made products, including lead-tainted children's toys, being exported to...

Corn Ethanol Subsidy: A Losing Proposition

Craig Cox, Environmental Working Group senior vice-president wrote the following op-ed in today's (March 25) Des Moines Register. Cox manages EWG's agriculture programs from our Ames, IA office.

USDA Needs To Deliver Tough Love To Ethanol Industry

Lobbyists for the corn-ethanol and the “advanced” biofuels industry had a meeting yesterday (March 21) organized by the United States Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Development to “discuss...

Chromium-6 in Gas Drilling Wastes?

The boom in natural gas drilling across the United States has spawned well-warranted fears that the fluids and chemicals used to free the gas from surrounding rock could pose a risk to drinking water...
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