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Displaying 2521 - 2540 of 4062

Join EWG's live chat with Chef Ann Cooper

Today (Thursday, November 4) we chat about healthy school lunches - how to pack 'em and how to fix our broken school lunch programs - with Chef Ann Cooper, The Renegade Lunch Lady. Join us by clicking...

Democrats' Bitter Harvest

House Democrats' devastating losses in Tuesday's mid-term election swept away a number of members from hotly contested rural districts whose full-throated support for keeping the taxpayer-funded farm...

School lunch: More fruits & veggies, please!

Whether your child eats the school lunch or your own hand-packed version, there's a chance she might not be getting enough fruits and veggies. U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics show that...

Texas Schools are Drilling for Dollars

Pro sports teams regularly use signing bonuses to lure the star athletes they want. Now some Texas school districts are taking the bait, too.

Why do blowouts take so long to fix?

Blowouts can be as diverse as a shredded rear tire on a busy interstate, BP's infamous spew of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, or, we've recently learned, a hair-straightening concoction from California...

NASCAR Gasses Up on Corn Ethanol - For a Price

In a fall season rife with bad news for the corn ethanol industry, its lobby has been hyping a new partnership with NASCAR. According to USA Today, NASCAR CEO and chairman Brian France announced the...

Dr. Oz investigates early puberty in girls

Dr. Mehmet Oz begins a recent segment of The Dr. Oz Show by telling us in no uncertain terms that he's not happy about early puberty in girls - as a dad and a doctor.

Throwing Good Money After Bad Lands

In 1982, scientists observed record numbers of migratory birds at California's Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge hatching with massive deformities. Baby birds had grossly misshapen beaks, twisted...

Join EWG to talk school lunch

Ann Cooper isn't called "The Renegade Lunch Lady" for nothing. She calls it like it is, and she can because she's been there -- in the kitchens, in the schools, with the kids.

Eating lower - and better - on the food chain

Cutting back on the amount of meat in the American diet is one of the best ways people can shrink their carbon footprint – and at the same time slim their waistlines and improve overall health.

Want Some Bug-Killer With That?

If you like your fruits and vegetables with pesticides, then you'll be glad to know the conventional produce industry is boasting of a big win with the Obama administration.

Introducing: EWG's Guide to Healthy Child Care

Truth is, when my husband and I chose a childcare facility for our kids (way back in 2003), the question of environmental health didn't even cross our minds.

Breast Cancer: One in Eight

The stats are stark: according to the National Cancer Institute, at some point in her life, one in eight American women will be told she has breast cancer.

USDA Pushes Advanced Biofuels But Clings to Corn

Even as it announced several initiatives to promote development of advanced biofuels, the Obama Administration made clear Thursday (Oct. 21) that it's not prepared to let go of corn ethanol and other...

More Scientists Weigh In on BPA Dangers

The list of studies highlighting the health risks of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) grows longer by the week. Of course, all research is important, but a new study by a team of scientists led by Gail...

Cash register jobs join list of hazardous professions

Firefighters and beat cops. Soldiers, farm workers, war correspondents and hard hats who dangle from high iron as they build skyscrapers. Those are a few professions most folks consider risky. And if...

Defining a True Safety Net for Struggling Farmers

With Congress in recess, talks on reshaping the federal Farm Bill, due for action in 2012, have been set aside while nervous lawmakers focus on the November elections.

Federal grants to promote pesticides? Oh, my.

More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials' award of a $180,000 taxpayer-funded grant to a...

How green is your Halloween?

Halloween is spooky enough without having to worry about the toxins in your decorations and costumes. You and your family should have your haunted fun -- without being exposed to an abundance of toxic...

Rachel Maddow: Don't Frack Me, Bro!

For a while there, it was just environmental watchdogs like EWG and film makers like Josh Fox (Gasland) and Debra Anderson (Split Estate) talking about the environmental consequences of hydraulic...
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