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Displaying 2561 - 2580 of 4062

Support the 2010 Safe Cosmetics Act. It's Urgent.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should have the authority it needs to regulate cosmetics and personal care products - so that you can trust that what you're buying is safe for you and your...

The Bitter Ironies in USDA's Firing of Shirley Sherrod

The conflagration that embroiled the US Department of Agriculture last week (July 19) over the knee-jerk dismissal of an African American official who was falsely accused of reverse discrimination is...

Don't. Frack. New. York.

Companies that drill for natural gas and oil in the United States are skirting federal law and injecting toxic petroleum distillates (think: kerosene, mineral spirits and a number of other petroleum...

Being Clean and Pretty Has Toxic Costs

This morning I relied on a dozen grooming and beauty products to help me face the day. I used soap, shampoo and conditioner in the shower, and gel and mousse when I dried my hair. I slathered on...

Craven Corn

Hopes for comprehensive legislation to combat climate pollution evaporated Thursday (July 22) after months of wrangling in the Senate. In its place Senate leaders are proposing what is being billed as...

Test your knowledge of cosmetics safety: 8 myths debunked

The new Story of Cosmetics video explains why personal care products in the United States contain untested and downright dangerous ingredients.

A personal response to the President's Cancer Panel Report

The 2009 President's Cancer Panel report, "Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk, What We Can Do Now," confirms what Rachel Carson articulated in Silent Spring and what Sandra Steingraber argued in her...

Watch the Story of Cosmetics

Annie Leonard does it again. This time she tells us about all those products in the cosmetics aisle that we use so many of every day (12 for women, 6 for men, on average).

Tell Congress: We want a strong chemicals policy (now!)

Ever wonder if you can really, truly make a difference in an effort for national policy reform? I mean, it's a big country, right? Do policy makers really care that you fervently believe that...

Hold the Mayo, Extra Pesticides

Over the past decade, organic produce sales have soared from 3 percent of the retail produce market in the U.S. in 2000 to nearly 11 percent last year, to $9.5 billion. According to surveys by the...

Biomass Power Can't Get Its Story Straight

As AgMag noted the other day, Massachusetts has decided to rewrite its rules for renewable energy to exclude electric-only power plants that would burn biomass, often in the form of whole trees. Ian A...

More Potential Giveaways to Ethanol in Energy Bill

In an bid to garner support for legislation to address the looming danger of climate change, Midwest senators are reportedly pressing to attach a long-term extension of biofuel tax breaks to a Senate...

Find your sunscreen with EWG's new iPhone App

All you iPhone users can now find the best sunscreen with EWG's free application (App) linked to Environmental Working Group's (EWG) 2010 Sunscreen Guide.

Nitrogen Fertilizer's Toll: Not Just Dead Zones

Last week began with a front page story in the San Francisco Chronicle (July 5) detailing the links between increased fertilizer run-off due to corn ethanol production in the Mississippi River Basin...

Massachusetts Sees the Light on Biomass Power

In a sharp about-face, Massachusetts officials have decided that biomass-fueled, electric-only power plants do not qualify as renewable energy sources because of the growing awareness that these...

The (shocking) story behind cosmetics

Have you ever counted how many cosmetics or personal care products you use in a day? Chances are it's nearly 10.

Aim Chesapeake "Pollution Diet" at the Worst Gluttons

On the first of the July, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a plan to put everyone who lives or works in the Chesapeake Bay watershed on a "rigorous pollution diet" intended to cut...

$600 Million for BP -- Courtesy of US Taxpayers

2010 won't be all lemons for BP. Sure, the company will be best remembered for blowout preventers, top kill and Tony Hayward, but along the way the oil giant stands to make a killing from its...

Farm Subsidies 101: For eaters, not policy wonks

There's a lot of talk these days about healthy food, sustainable farming, organics, and buying local. A lot.

Cereal boxes are for reading, not eating

Did you hear about Kellogg's voluntary recall of its super sugary cereals? Picture this: 28 million boxes of Froot Loops, Honey (used to be "Sugar") Smacks, Apple Jacks, (used to be "Sugar") Corn Pops...
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