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Displaying 2581 - 2600 of 4062

How to give kids a green and healthy start

Every month we send our e-listers (yes, that could be you) a Healthy Home Tip.

Farm Subsidy Database

The decades-old momentum behind federal farm subsidies delivered $13.4 billion to farmers in 2006, according to the latest update of the Environmental Working Group's Farm Subsidy Database website...

Shopper's Guide to Pesticides

Well, as we do each year, EWG released (on June 19) the latest Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and as we suspected, eaters around the country are still concerned about high levels of toxic...

You could (almost) eat this furniture

When I shop for furniture, I usually think of what NOT to get - no sprayed-on stain protection, no flame retardants, no unsustainable wood, and the list goes on.

A (video) Green Guide to Pregnancy

When I was pregnant with my second child, I read Sandra Steingraber's book, Having Faith, a haunting account of the effects of toxic chemicals on babies in utero, written while she was pregnant...

Did They Really Say That? See for Yourself.

Life would be so much easier for biomass industry executives if they didn't have to worry about their own words.

Is your sunscreen in EWG's Sunscreen Hall of Shame?

When it comes to protecting yourself from the sun, it's easy to go wrong. To help you go right, instead, we whipped up a list of the really bad actors because sometimes, knowing what's on the "avoid"...

Quickly, a "Lie" Becomes an "Overstatement"

Since the May release of the Environmental Working Group's update of its farm subsidy database, the media have paid a lot of attention to Tea Party candidates for Congress who paradoxically receive...

Fracking: Live chat with EWG & 'Gasland' director Josh Fox

"Everywhere I went, it was the same story: water trouble, health problems, hazardous explosive conditions - inside the house."

Understanding Sunscreen: 4 Questions about SPF

Pretty much all I knew about sunscreen growing up was that SPF was some measure of how much sunburn protection came out of the bottle. Hard to believe that (way back) in those days the great debate...

States Confront Biomass Power Delusions

From Maine to Washington state, from Ohio to Florida, electric utilities have been embracing “biomass power” as a way to reduce dependence on coal and other fossil fuels and to meet ambitious goals...

Clearcut Disaster: Carbon Loophole Threatens U.S. Forests

At least 30 million acres of America's forests could be cut down and used for fuel at US power plants if renewable fuels and biomass provisions of current Congressional climate and energy proposals...

Huge Taxpayer Investment in Ethanol Yields Paltry Payoff

Between 2005 and 2009, U.S. taxpayers spent a whopping $17 billion to subsidize corn-ethanol blends in gasoline. What did they get in return? A reduction in overall oil consumption equal to an...

Huge Taxpayer Investment in Ethanol Yields Paltry Payoff

Between 2005 and 2009, U.S. taxpayers spent a whopping $17 billion to subsidize corn ethanol blends in gasoline. What did they get in return? A reduction in overall oil consumption equal to an...

Strawberry Lovers, Take Action

Methyl iodide: it's listed as a human carcinogen, is considered a neurotoxin and has been linked to late-term miscarriages. Now the state of California is poised to let farmers spray it on the state's...

Farm Subsidy Recipients Say the Darndest Things

In the month since EWG's 2010 update of our Farm Subsidy Database, subsidy recipients and program defenders have been reacting in interesting ways to the new data. Here's a roundup: Tennessee...

EWG's Sunscreen Quick Tips

Some sunscreens prevent sunburn but not other types of skin damage. Make sure yours provides broad-spectrum protection and follow these other tips for better protection.

Watch CNN's 'Toxic America' Special on June 2-3

CNN's chief medical correspondent for its Health, Medical & Wellness unit, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, has put together an impressive 2-part investigative report on toxic chemicals in America. It airs this week...

Greenwashing Corn

Starting this week (June1) in Washington, DC, the National Corn Growers Association and its affiliated state associations are rolling out a $1 million ad campaign to boost corn's tarnished image. It's...

All about sunscreen: Live chat with EWG

On May 24th, we released our 4th annual Sunscreen Guide. While our basic message is pretty straight forward - cover up first, slop on some effective sunscreen next - the sunscreen choices are so...
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