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Displaying 2621 - 2640 of 4062

Stay current on TSCA reform progress

The Environmental Working Group's campaign for Kid-Safe Chemicals shifted into high gear exactly a week before the 40th anniversary of Earth Day (poetic justice), when Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)...

Awakening to Cancer's Environmental Roots

When I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1979, at the age 20, I drafted a list of goals. The first thing I would do, once I was sprung from the hospital, would be to pay a visit to Claire's...

Maryland is 5th state to ban BPA

This month Maryland became the 5th state to ban the use of the plastics chemical, bisphenol A (BPA) in children's products, including baby bottles and sippy cups.

New Tool for Measuring Chesapeake Bay Cleanup

In the three months since assuming the chairmanship of the Chesapeake Executive Council, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson has directed several encouraging new initiatives.

EWG's Healthy Home Checklist: Assess your house

The good news is that there's a lot of information available these days about how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals at home. The bad news, of course, is exactly that: there's a lot of...

California School District Cleans Up - With CLASS

When school purchasing agent Dawn Everson came across a program called CLASS - "Cleaning for Asthma-Safe Schools" - she recognized a great opportunity for the Manteca Unified School District.

Inspiring Day in Pittsburgh

The program's description for Ms. Heinz's morning talk was "Opening Address." While that leaves plenty of room for interpretation, I don't think any of the 2,000+ listeners of the Women's Health and...

New Science, New Solutions Explored at Heinz Conference

Since 1996 Teresa Heinz has been pioneering the way women approach common (and not so common) health concerns with her annual conference "Women's Health & the Environment."

Feeding the kids and caring for the planet? Yes we can.

Luckily, she's been helping families convert that chaos (hungry kids, tired parents, no dinner!) into a more organized, pleasant, and healthy mealtime. When we stare blankly at the fridge, hoping for...

Peterson Sends Positive Signals on Farm Bill

For years the Environmental Working Group has advocated for a more rational farm policy that would provide a better safety net for more American farmers. We've done this while also seeking to promote...

Faulty Science in Ethanol Tailpipe Study

On several counts, a recent Rochester Institute of Technology study ( March 29) hailed by the corn ethanol lobby falls short of bringing reliable science to the ethanol blend debate. With a glut of...

Greening your family: One woman's inspiration

My public health ethics class began with the intense, young professor asking a simple question: What do you value the most?

CNN's Sanjay Gupta MD interviews EWG President Ken Cook

Last weekend Dr. Gupta's short interview with EWG Founder & President, Ken Cook, aired on CNN's Sanjay Gupta MD show.

Want to Pony Up for a Pipeline to Corn Country?

The surest way to ensure that second-generation advanced biofuels remain in their test tubes and never see the spark of an engine is to pass a piece of legislation recently introduced (Feb. 14) by Rep...

Bacon, cheese and chicken, please - hold the bun

Lots of Calories The Double Down was a hit with customers when KFC took its newest offering for a test drive last year at several of its locations in Rhode Island and Nebraska. But some media reports...

Bacon, Cheese and Chicken, Please – Hold the Bun.

If you've ever wished that one day there would be a place where you could grab a bacon and cheese pileup with no veggies, smashed between slabs of fried chicken instead of buns, here's good news.

It's time to look upstream

Chanda Chevannes has made an important documentary film about Sandra Steingraber's work, based largely on her first book, Living Downstream. The trailer below will give you a sense of Steingraber's...

Commandments in the kitchen: Got some?

I've been perusing Alexandra Zissu's new book, The Conscious Kitchen, lately. It's a current, thoroughly-researched, user-friendly reference for buying and cooking food that's good for you and the...

US Digs a Hole with Cotton Subsidies, Then Jumps In

This week (April 6), US officials struck a deal aimed at staving off Brazilian trade retaliation for subsidies paid to American cotton growers. Brazil had won the right to impose tariffs and lift...

Asbestos: Cover up of a century

Thousands of innocent people die while governments do nothing to prevent it. In Darfur it's called genocide. In the case of asbestos-related deaths in the United States, it's just a statistic.
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