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Displaying 3101 - 3120 of 4062

Global Hand-Washing Day promoted worldwide

Last couple of days, it's been all about the bottled water here at EWG. The same day we released our investigation, was the day the United Nations declared the Global Hand-Washing Day The day, and the...

Pollution Solutions For Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Disaster

Agricultural run-off is causing environmental problems in Iowa waters and as far away as the Gulf of Mexico. Craig Cox, Midwest Vice President of Environmental Working Group, offers some solutions.

Fire up yer ovens, people, it's a recipe contest

While it might seem surprising that Enviroblog is touting a recipe contest, it really makes quite a lot of sense. Because...we read a lot of blogs where people inevitably post recipes and photos of...

Buyer beware: What's in your bottled water?

By Olga Naidenko, PhD and Nneka Leiba, MPH If I want healthy, tasty, clean drinking water, and I want it today, tomorrow, and for the future, where do I turn? The bottled water industry has a ready...

Mr. Yuk: He's in my house, is he in yours?

So this is a little embarrassing. On the one hand, I'm pleased with myself for getting the Mr. Yuk stickers, preventing my children from sticking them everywhere, and applying them to the grim...

Been a long time leaving*

For the first EWG project I worked on, our data was collected by a guy who "borrowed" the equipment and hauled it up and down Highway 101 in the trunk of his car, where he was living at the time. I...

More heat, less water

a) No matter how much we disagree with it, global warming is happening. b) Now what do we do? After years of denial, now there is a sudden – and much needed – flurry of action, acknowledging the...

Green Chemistry: Breakthrough or bureaucratic dead end?

This analysis was written by EWG Executive Director Richard Wiles and Senior Analyst Renee Sharp. This session the California Legislature considered no less than eight bills that would have banned or...

Getting the kids to school: Step away from the car, mom

In a city where boxbikes and xtracycles (photo, right) are becoming the norm, it's hard to admit that we drive our kids to and from school every day - alone. Especially when there are so many...

Starbucks' massive water waste

There are few things that we can all do without in life. And then, there are some that we definitely can’t do without. Like water. Water has become major a human rights, environmental, and public...

Thanks, Calvin, for focusing the nation on children's health

Yesterday was our 80th annual National Child Health Day. In 1928, President Calvin Coolidge issued the nation's first proclamation to promote children's health - prompted by labor unions and women's...

Poisonous pastime

Since the U.S. banned lead from gasoline and paint in 1978, there has been increasing recognition that even the smallest amounts of lead are extremely hazardous to human health. Basically, scientists...

To swim or not to swim: childhood asthma and indoor swimming pools

Over the last few decades, enthusiasm for indoor swimming has been on the rise, as aquatic swim programs for babies and toddlers grew in popularity and swimming has become mandatory in many school...

What's your personal body burden?

Most of us don't have the money to pay for a personal body burden analysis. And even if you do, you might be among those (like me) who would really rather not know. I do read about other peoples'...

Are Californians more flame retardant than the rest of us??

A study released today by Silent Spring Institute finds higher concentrations of toxic PBDEs in California residents, raising concerns about the unintended effects of furniture flammability laws on...

Gambling with lethal cargo

Sandra Schubert is the Environmental Working Group's Director of Government Affairs There were 1,203 train accidents in the first six months of 2008, and 13 of them resulted in the release of...

How green is Arnold? [UPDATED]

[UPDATE} Monday aternoon, Gov. Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill discussed below. This year only one chemical ban bill made it through the California Legislature to Gov. Schwarzenegger's desk: Senate...

Heinz conference mobilizes women to fight environmental health threats

Jane Houlihan, the Environmental Working Group's vice president for research, and development associate Jocelyn Lyle joined more than 2,000 women at this week's Heinz Women's Health and the...

Consumers to FDA: Be there or be square

While the federal Food and Drug Administration dithers about whether to ban bisphenol A (BPA), a plastics chemical and synthetic estrogen, from U.S. food packaging, increasing numbers of Americans are...

Relax, it's baby safety month

Thanks to Nature's Child for reminding me that September is Baby Safety Month at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). I feel a little safer now, don't you? So it's no secret that I'm less...
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