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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3141 - 3160 of 4062

Choosing the family toothpaste: How hard can it be?

Brush twice a day. Floss. Hit the dentist every year or so for a battery-powered cleaning and a once-over and voila, dental health. Pretty straightforward, huh? Not so fast, it turns out. Just finding...

Book review: “Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children"

The 20th century will undoubtedly be remembered in history as the century of chemistry. Don't we all remember “Better Living Through Chemistry?” And now as we stand on the banks of polluted rivers...

Adios, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen. . .

Hey loyal Enviroblog readers, This is my last week at EWG. I'll be around all week, and after that I'm leaving the blog in very capable hands, so don't you worry -- you'll still get quality...

Just science?

Greetings from California detours north of the border this week to answer criticisms of EWG by a Canadian newspaper columnist. His newspaper has (so far) refused to print the response below, so we're...

Toxic fragrance in the air

Many Enviroblog readers are familiar with the health concerns of undisclosed chemicals that hide under the pseudonym “fragrance” in everyday products—everything from cosmetics to cleaning...

New here? Looking for more?

Welcome to Enviroblog! Whether you clicked through from your email to read Lisa's back-to-school guide, or you're coming in from Treehugger (where we're one of their Greens of the Week), we've got...

Taking advantage of the disadvantaged

The relationship between Europe and Africa has always been an interesting one -- for centuries, the European colonial powers destroyed their African colonies by enslaving their people, crippling their...

Back to school: Are we ready? Are we non-toxic?

Just yesterday the letter came from our new school. Excitement turned to panic as I read the list of required items to bring on the 1st day. The many purchases we must make between today and the first...

Elected officials MIA; Instead, Wal-Mart and Burger King protecting your health

Despite numerous health and consumer safety concerns, California lawmakers fell under the lobbying influence of the chemical industry and rejected the two bills that would ban chemicals from baby...

FDA got it wrong. Here's why.

By now you may have heard about the Food and Drug Administration's draft assessment of bisphenol A, which says that the known endocrine disruptor poses no health risk. They got it wrong. My colleagues...

Enviroblog hosts: Carnival of the Green #141!

Hello and welcome to Carnival of the Green #141! Last week's edition was hosted by The Evangelical Ecologist. Next week, the Carnival makes its way over to LifeGoggles, so be sure to check it out...

My quest for the perfect BPA-free sippy cup

You can probably imagine what it's like to work for EWG and be a parent. In a word: fraught. In two words: consumer paralysis. Maybe it's just because I'm new here. In time, I'll (hopefully) recover...

Children sifting the earth for gold

Gold mining is far from a golden industry. In fact, gold mining poses serious environmental and human rights concerns. Modern mining for gold is a massive operation which causes massive environmental...

Take two house plants and call me in the morning

My 18 year old sister called me not long ago and said, "So what's the deal with these plastic bottles?" "Which plastic bottles, exactly?" I asked. "The Nalgene ones -- is it true that they're bad?" It...

Who wants candy? EU may ban suspect food additives

After a UK study, published late last year, drew convincing connections between certain food additives and hyperactivity in children, Britain's Food Standards Agency asked food companies to comply...

California chemical wars, continued

A few weeks ago, I told you about the U.S. chemical industry's war to stop two California bills that would ban carcinogenic Teflon chemicals in food packaging and endocrine-disrupting chemicals in...

Small fry: Better for the planet, better for your health

After The New York Times' Well Blog listed sardines as one of the 11 best foods you aren't eating, I went out and bought myself a can. I like eating fish occasionally, but I loathe preparing it myself...

Gas price relief: Location efficiency

This post is by EWG's media intern Sameem. Right on the heels of gas price hype and a housing crisis, we’re finally being presented with legislation that at least acknowledges the need for a more...

Does environmental conservation imply austerity?

This is a post by EWG research intern Curtis Maples, who's interested in engineering a sustainable future. When I hear “conserve”, a chain of thoughts comes into my mind. Something like this: â...

Praying for an end to cancer?

Most people don't think of going to a place of religious worship as a time when they're exposing themselves to the danger. However, it really depends where you worship. A recent study by a Thai doctor...
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