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Displaying 3241 - 3260 of 4062

Graver danger from a common herbicide

This is a post by EWG social media intern Howie, who prefers his greens herbicide-free. New research suggests that atrazine, a possible carcinogen and the second most common herbicide used in America...

Cheatsheet: Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)

What is it? Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are widely-used water, grease and stain repellents. They're found in carpets and on clothes, on fast-food wrappers, and on the inner lining of pet food bags...

Play, don't spray

For months, the biggest environmental issue in Northern California has been the state's plans to conduct aerial spraying of pesticides to eradicate the light brown apple moth, a native of Australia...

Odds and ends: Monsanto, PFOA, the hunger crisis and more

We've got a few loose ends to tie up before the weekend. In no particular order: Angry Toxicologist posted on Monday about a report showing that PFOA PFOS (a chemical in the PFC family, related to...

The rich, the poor and the environment

Is there a divide between rich and poor when we think of the environment? Absolutely. They are divided in many other ways, so the environment is no different. The field of environmental justice deals...

Ask EWG: How can I make my lawn non-toxic?

Ask EWG: How can I make my lawn non-toxic? We know spring has arrived when questions about lawn and garden care start arriving. Rick in Pennsylvania asks, "How can I keep my lawn green and healthy...

Farm Bill: 411 and Counting

Today we updated our farm bill pro-reform editorial map. The tally now stands at 411 reform minded editorials published in American dailies since January 1st, 2007. After the jump I break down some of...

Cheatsheet: Bisphenol A (BPA)

What is it? Bisphenol A is a toxic plastics chemical found in polycarbonate plastic and the resinous lining of food cans. What are the possible health effects? In April of 2008, the National...

Mixed Greens 008: Big news for BPA

The National Toxicology Program has changed its tune on BPA, and it looks like bigger changes are in the works. Plus, meet a mutt on a mission. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You...

Last Action Hero 3

A year after he mocked environmentalists as " Prohibitionists at a frat party," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered another big Earth Day speech – this time at Yale – with the same theme: The...

Cute pets (for the environment)

That Eddie. Such a multi-talented dog. He blogs, he lobbies, he investigates complex scientific issues... and now he makes movies, too. I'll be honest, I'm a little concerned for my job. But there's...

Eddie Thank You

But it's "clean coal" isn't it?

This is a guest post by EWG's Lauren Glickman, who is not afraid of the boogieman. The myth of clean coal should be filed somewhere between stories of the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and the magical...

Tell Clorox: Take back the filter!

We're always telling you to filter your water 'round these parts. It's true, a good carbon filter will get rid of most common pollutants (though not all), and they're a lot less expensive than a...

EWG pet health study spurs launch of new organization

Ed. note: This post comes to us from a friend and colleague of ours, Eddie. For more of his work, visit Pets for the Environment. Let's say, just for the sake of example, that you were a dog. Or a cat...

Synthetic chemicals: The unfortunate predicament

Ed. note: This is a post by Howie, EWG's social media intern. Howie's a student at American University here in DC. We’ve discussed the fact that breast cancer rates around the world have...

Out of the frying pan: Sludge fertilizer as the antidote to lead poisoning

For a second, there, I thought I was reading The Onion. No such luck. In separate studies in Baltimore and St. Louis, government-funded researchers spread sludge fertilizer on lawns and vacant lots in...

50 things, simple and not so simple

Twenty years ago, in a Berkeley attic, freelance journalist John Javna wrote and self-published one of the most important books of 20th Century environmentalism. 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save...

Phthalate-induced asthma: Gasping for breath

The smell of a new car, that new shower curtain odor, and those off-gassing carpets recently installed in your office have one thing in common: these consumer products contain plastics chemicals that...

Can I have a glass of Placenta 1000 with that?

Ah, it's a great day to be a woman! In fact, every day is a great day to be a woman, especially when it comes to the sacrifices made for beauty. Women are known to make numerous beauty sacrifices...
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