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Displaying 3261 - 3280 of 4062

Envirohealth in Blogs: Factory farming the ocean, plus garlic up your nose

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Factory farms in the ocean? Smorgasbord tells you what you need to know about offshore aquaculture. Another way to reduce consumption: share stuff...

Mixed Greens 007: Congress investigates industry, plus PFOA and EPA's bad plan

It seems Congress has caught on to industry's dirty tricks -- find out what they're doing about it in this episode of Mixed Greens. Plus, EPA cozies up to the chemical industry, and PFOA persists in...

New toxic toy law not exactly cause for celebration

Ed. note: This post is by EWG's social media intern Akua, who gets to spend most of her time playing around on MySpace and reading blogs -- lucky woman. Last week, Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire...

Sky-high ammonia levels in Des Moines, Iowa

When you speak, as we often do, in parts per million, it can be hard to have a sense of what that means. For example, did you know that measurements of just 0.1 ppm of ammonia in water can cause...

Toxic makeup all around the world

Breast cancer rates are rising all over the world, not just in the U.S. A recent World Health Organization report states that the disease has dramatically risen in the last 20 years, in some countries...

Let's be friends!

What's that you say? You want -- nay, need -- more EWG goodness? I believe that can be arranged. . . Have you seen EWG's awesomely revamped MySpace page? Are you a fan of EWG? (On Facebook, that is.)...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Plastic inspiration from under the sea

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. On a need-to-know basis.Food and Water Watch reports on USDA's new proposed recall rule -- they may tell you what they know about recalled meat...

Chickadee is the new canary

No one seems quite sure what's happening to birds in the Pacific Northwest, but whatever it is, it's tragic -- and it makes Bud Anderson of the Falcon Research Group want to puke. Birds began...

Hot enough for you? Just wait

On any given day, the hottest spot in the United States is likely to be somewhere in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts that straddle the borders of California, Arizona and Nevada. Last Fourth of July it...

CDC finds toxic sunscreen chemical in 97% of Americans

My favorite time of year is coming up really soon: flip flops and outside patios in restaurants, and I will be a happy person! But it's also the time of the year when I start wearing sunscreens (and...

Something stinks, but it’s not what you think

As a soon-to-be first time parent, I have spent many a weekend wandering the aisles at Babies 'R' Us and Buy Buy Baby getting all the things we need in preparation for the arrival of the new boss...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Warm and toasty

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Make sure to scroll to the bottom for a call to action, and when you're done with that, be our friend on MySpace! Cold feet? Allie says get a bed...

Mixed Greens 006: Water, water everywhere

Between pharmaceuticals and fluorocilicic acid, this edition of Mixed Greens is all wet. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You can subscribe in iTunes or in a reader, or listen right...

PFCs may concentrate in breast milk

When EWG examined the cord blood of 10 American infants, perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were among the 287 chemicals we found already circulating in their little bodies. PFCs make up the water and...

CDC: Americans Carry Body Burden of Toxic Sunscreen Chemical

EWG's review of scientific evidence and biomonitoring data for the common sunscreen ingredient oxybenzone.

Dangerous industrial chemical or drinking water additive?

BRAITHWAITE, La. – A highly corrosive acid that leaked from a storage facility at a chemical plant could have eaten through adjacent storage tanks to cause a "catastrophic" mix of toxic chemicals....

Contaminated fake fish show danger for real ones

Specially designed pseudo-fish constructed by U.S. Geological Survey scientists and suspended in the Potomac absorb chemicals including pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fragrances that...

Lead: Still in 35 percent of children's products

A new study tested over 1200 children's products still found on store shelves and found that 35 percent contain lead! Lead, as we all know, is a potent neurotoxin that accumulates in body over time...

Letter Supporting Farm Bill Proposed $4.951 Billion Conservation Increase

Letter sent by a coalition of environmental groups, including EWG, to congressional leadership requesting support of the March 18, 2008 Farm Bill “Framework's” $4.951 billion increase in new funds...

Enviroblogroll, updated!

Ladies and gents, it is high time for a blogroll update 'round these parts. Over there on the left you'll see our revised blogroll, filled with titles that we think will be of interest to you, our...
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