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Areas of Focus

Displaying 3281 - 3300 of 4062

Earthworms in the coal mine

Ah, the lowly earthworm. As the animal kingdom goes, it doesn't get more humble -- and as far as agriculture goes, it hardly gets more important. Without earthworms to plow up the undersoil and leave...

What's not for dinner? Wild salmon

One of the glories of life in Northern California is the annual harvest of wild chinook salmon. We mark the beginning of summer by the first backyard barbecue of grilled chinook (although many people...

"Natural" products contain carcinogenic contaminant

Let this be a lesson to us all: Just because a product is labeled natural or organic doesn't mean that there's nothing in it you want to avoid. The Organic Consumers Association released a report...

Your neighborhood pharmacy -- now just a faucet away?

Good news! Thanks to the crack investigative team at the Associated Press, Americans who commonly use prescriptions for such things as mood swings, cholesterol, infections, asthma, epilepsy, or just...

Your BPA questions, answered

When we posted a little analysis of the new research on the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) leaching from polycarbonate bottles, we had no idea how many questions it would inspire. This...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Goods4Girls and drugs in the water

a little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Everybody's talking about drugs in the water. . . except the people who ought to be. The Pump Handle's got that story. And if you've got questions...

Mixed Greens 005: Industry goes to Washington

Take the U.S. government, add a dash of industry consultants and front groups, and the results may be hazardous to your health. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You can subscribe in...

A shot in the arm for consumer safety

It was just about a year ago that the first of 2007's major recalls began. Tainted pet food was scary and shocking to the country's millions of pet owners. (My own dogs had been eating the food that...

Look, up in the sky: It's the green governor

Sacramento's not such a bad place: The summer heat and lousy air quality are balanced by the outdoor recreational opportunities and an unpretentious, small-town feel. But if you're a international...

Speaking of gadgetry. . .

I received a perfectly-timed email from Beth of Fake Plastic Fish this morning -- if you're sick and tired of gadgets that break and can't be fixed, and especially if you've got a story to share, you...

The future of green gadgetry

Without a doubt, the best way to buy "green" is to buy less. And in most cases, that's sufficient advice (although it doesn't hurt to be an informed consumer). But when it comes to the gadgets in our...

Want to shop green? Buy less.

We are all used to coming up with solutions to problems. And new business opportunities are so often the solution for crisis situations here in America. But, buying green is not always the solution...

EnviroLinks: Lassie's got nothin' on this girl

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Mmm, phthalates! Kathy at Safe Mama gives us another easy way to reduce our exposure. Eat your heart out, Lassie. Dizzy the recycling dog is...

The art and science of smells

The creation and use of fragrances and cosmetics is one of most ancient arts known to humans. Just think of the diverse tribal cultures that use facial and body painting, or recall the stories of the...

Want PFCs with that?

Your french-fry container or pizza box may be delivering a dose of toxic chemicals with your meal. Those and many other types of food packages have stain-proof or grease-proof linings made with...

Just say no to downer cows?

UPDATE: If you're interested in this subject, you've got to check out the Doreen the Downer cartoon. Something that's been glossed over in many of the news articles and blog posts about the recent...

Poor and uninsured. Sound familiar?

We all know that rich and poor are differently affected by things in life. That fact is no different when we talk about the climate change, an issue that affects all of us. In fact, not only are they...

New York Times seduced by fragrance industry

A recent New York Times article glowingly portrays the lucrative business of developing patented fragrance ingredients, likening these new and exclusive fragrance chemicals to patented active...

Mixed Greens 004: All About Food

This edition of EWG's podcast Mixed Greens is all about food -- and it's dedicated to celebrity chef Tyler Florence. You can subscribe in iTunes or in a reader, or listen right here in your browser...

Under fire

Every year, billions of gallons of fire retardants are dropped on forests across the nation. Those chemicals take their toxic toll, but then, so do forest fires. In fact, the National Interagency Fire...
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