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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3321 - 3340 of 4062

Political turmoil, public health catastrophy

It's hard to talk about the situation in Gaza without being political. And having grown up in 90's in Serbia, a country that experienced severe electricity and water restrictions during its political...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Can I recycle that?

Mark at Blogfish reports that the National Fisheries Institute, the industry group that brought us the "eat more fish!" study last fall, are pretty ticked about the New York Times investigative report...

Mixed Greens 002: Mmm, rocket fuel! Plus, ditch the anti-bacterial soap.

In this second edition of EWG's podcast Mixed Greens, we discuss the possible connections between plastics and obesity, the rocket fuel in our drinking water, and more! Give 'er a listen below, or...

Sky-high lead levels in Galveston, TX

In Galveston, Texas, as many as one in five children have blood lead levels elevated enough to cause learning disabilities. One in five. Can you even imagine? But to date, not a single thing has been...

Perchlorate: You might not know how to pronounce it, but it's in you

In an ideal world, rocket fuel would not be in people. But we don't live in the ideal world, and perchlorate, a potent chemical ingredient of rocket fuel, is in all of us. A new EWG analysis of FDA...

Holy Mackerel! Sushi trouble in NYC

Note to sushi lovers from the Big Apple: Maybe stick to the pastrami on rye. The New York Times recently tested sushi from 20 different popular stores and restaurants in Manhattan and found extremely...

PA loses label ban; Monsanto cowed

And they would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for that meddling governor! Remember a few months ago when I told you that Monsanto thinks you're stupid? And that Pennsylvania's Secretary of...

White House worked to weaken pollution reporting for communities

In response to White House pressure, the U.S. EPA broke its own longstanding procedures for scientific and economic review of pollution reporting rules for thousands of factories nationwide in a bid...

A turning point for the Chesapeake Bay?

Last December, the Maryland legislature approved a new $50 million “Chesapeake Bay 2010 Trust Fund” to help clean up the decades-dirty Bay. The “2010 Trust Fund” will provide money to help...

SMM: ZapRoot and Mixed Greens

Are you watching ZapRoot yet? ZapRoot is an unconventional bite-sized news show that covers the fat changing world of the modern Green Revolution. With sarcasm, silliness, & sanity, ZapRoot encourages...

Driving into the presidency

It's that time again when everywhere you turn, its all about presidential elections. Debates, political views and attacks (some personal, some not) are the hot topic of every conversation --...

Ask EWG: How should I wash my fruits and veggies?

Psst. . . You can also hear scientist Kristan Markey answer this month's Ask EWG question on EWG's podcast Mixed Greens! Question: How should I wash my fruits and veggies? Is water enough, or should I...

EWG serves up Mixed Greens

Okay people, get excited: EWG has a brand new podcast. Mixed Greens is your environmental health news update, featuring inside info from our staff of scientists and researchers and hosted by yours...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: What's green and fits in a manila envelope?

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. John DeFore of Green Right Now is reporting that three federal agencies have made a commitment to choose EPEAT-certified computers from now on. NASA...

Air pollution linked to genetic mutations in mice

Okay, so you know that breathing polluted air is bad for your heart and, of course, your lungs. But did you know it might be bad for your swimmers, too? In a study performed in an industrial Canadian...

Play the dirty air game!

Imagine you're a board member of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. The Valley has the dirtiest air in California, including four of the 10 smoggiest cities in the country...

Nord to reporters: Congress shouldn't ban lead

Good news, parents! The (acting) Chief of the Consumer Product Safety Commission doesn’t see a need for a ban on lead in consumer products. That’s right, even after the onslaught of negative press...

Stick to those New Years Resolutions, they might add years to your life

Are you a nom-smoker that exercises, eats fruits and vegetables, and drinks alcohol moderately? If so, you might add 14 years to your life, according to a new study at Cambridge University. The study...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Corn is not the devil

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. After a bit of an absence, Angry Toxicologist is back with a vengeance. "Those in glass houses," he says, "should not throw stones at China." In a...

Hair product, or tasty treat?

"If you can't put it in your mouth," says Burt's Bees CEO John Replogle, "you shouldn't put it on your skin." Then, according to New York Times reporter Louise Story, he scoops out a fingerful of the...
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