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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3341 - 3360 of 4062

It's not just about the weather any more

In the simplistic view of "the environment" common among policy makers and the press, an artificial line separates wildlife and natural resource issues – saving the whales, protecting the...

SMM: Do you feel pretty?

How can you turn $10 into $50,000 and help us expand Skin Deep all at the same time? One of the amazing things about the internet in general, and social media in particular, is the way in which...

A rock and a hard place: Mercury pollution from common household products

This is a rather instructive story, I think: Since the angelically named Clear Skies Act of 2003 was enacted, mercury levels in bodies of water in Lincoln County, Maine have risen steadily. So, in...

The culprit: Consumption or population growth?

The number 32 didn't mean much to me until today, when I read an op-ed by the amazing Jared Diamond in The New York Times. According to him: "To mathematicians, 32 is an interesting number: it's 2...

New Year's Resolutions for a safe, healthy 2008

When I was 12, my new year's resolution was to NOT keep my room clean. The two years before I'd made a resolution to keep it neat and tidy, and since I seemed to have a habit of breaking my...

What have they been waiting for?

Readers Dear- spotty internet access while traveling this week has led to an unfortunate dearth of posts, for which I apologize. I'm visiting family and friends in New England, New York, and New...

Yes, mining can be even more polluting!

Recently, Newmont Mining was cleared of a pollution and environmental damage lawsuit in Buyat Bay in Indonesia. The judge found that there was not enough evidence to prove that Newmont polluted the...

If you can stomach it

Editorial pages across the country are ripping apart the Senate's recently passed version of the farm bill, much as they excoriated the House version of last summer. Under either bill, billions of...

More to flame retardants than PBDEs

If you follow these things, you've probably heard of the flame retardant chemicals PBDEs. They're in many electronics (possibly even that computer screen you're reading right now), and in the foam in...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Organic growth. . . kind of.

A little pre-vacay light reading. Enjoy! You may not know Phil Howard by name, but you probably know his work -- and if you don't, Ethicurean can help. Once again, the market steps in where government...

CNN: Not quite a hero

A few days ago, I blogged about the CNN Hero Awards and my personal favorite, Pablo Fajardo. In the meantime, Pablo won for the Fighting for Justice category. Also in the meantime, my post drew a note...

Mulch: Farm Bill ripoff passes Senate, 79-14

And what a shameful abdication of leadership it represents. If enacted, this bill will cause billions of dollars in federal subsidies to pour out to farms earning record net incomes. Billions of...

Reading, writing and risk

Nearly 10 years ago, when EWG and other California environmental groups were sounding the alarm over the dangers of methyl bromide and other airborne pesticides drifting from farm fields into schools...

Copperhill renewed

Stories of renewal come from the strangest places -- like, for example, The New York Times' travel section. This is a good one, and well timed. I, for one, could use a little hope today. Fifty years...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Calling all candidates!

A little light reading. . . Now that's my kind of gift guide. We've seen a lot of gift guides for children around these parts lately, and while that's certainly important, I haven't seen any great...

California may add BPA, caffeine to Prop. 65

A new prioritization process has bumped caffeine and bisphenol A to the front of the list of toxic chemicals for review in California this year. Under the state's Proposition 65 law, the governor must...

Where government fails, the market steps in

It seems that investors are planning to use the power of the market to influence the production of plastics and the problems that go with it. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel is reporting that there...

The once and future king?

It’s no secret California Attorney General Jerry Brown wants to return to the governor’s office he held from 1975 to 1983. But for a guy whose family name is synonymous with “Democrat” and is...

SMM: The Story of Stuff

Free Range Studios has done it again, this time by teaming up with sustainability and environmental health expert Annie Leonard to produce The Story of Stuff, a twenty-minute film documenting the...

Must read: Avoiding World War III

In a post earlier this week, Sierra Club president Carl Pope discusses the "dangerous distraction" of nuclear power: The President in his press conference today was questioned about the new...
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