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Areas of Focus

Displaying 3401 - 3420 of 4062

Ask EWG: Should I use iodized salt?

Question: Is there a reason why my table salt is iodized? I’m not even really sure what that means, but it sounds a little scary, and unnecessary. Should I switch to kosher salt or sea salt? Answer...

Envirohealth News: Crime, unleaded

When a body is exposed to lead it's stored in the bones like calcium, but scientists are just now realizing that it's also released back into the blood like calcium -- including when mothers are...

Organic: Better for the planet, better for your health

For years governments have made a point of saying that there's no nutritional benefit to organic foods. Now they may have to eat their words. A European Union funded study of organic and non-organic...

SMM: Well-oiled machine

I do not speak for the rest of the Enviroblog team when I say, I love bluegrass. I love the classic stuff and the new stuff, the ballads, the lightening-fast pickin'. . . Who knows, maybe I was from...

Chemical Index: Find the information you're looking for

We quietly added a new feature to the EWG homepage this week, and it's one I think Enviroblog readers might find very useful. The Chemical Index (which you'll find on the lefthand navigation)...

Envirohealth News: Home on the trash heap, and recycle your CFLs!

As the Santa Ana winds begin to die down and Southern Californians take stock of the damages, some in the media are noting the impact that global warming may have on wildfires. In the UK, the BBC asks...

What happened at Brofiscin Quarry?

It wasn't a dark and stormy night when Douglas Gowan was called to investigate the deaths of livestock on a farm near Brofiscin Quarry in South Wales. Other than that, though, his story reads like a...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Getting to the meat of things

A little light reading for your Wednesday. . . Liz at The Pump Handle looks at how the problems at Topps Meat managed to get past USDA inspectors, and as per usual it all comes down to money. While we...

A fish called Sally: The truth about mercury, omega 3s, and pregnancy

Washington Post reporter Sally Squires toed the fishing industry line in her front-page article on the recommendations issued by the industry through the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies...

Prioritize your food dollars with Dr. Greene

You're organic-savvy, right? You already use the Shoppers' Guide to prioritize your produce purchases, but now you're wondering what else you should be considering when it comes to your food dollars...

When Less is More

I often complain about the lax chemical regulations. And, I am definitely guilty of saying “imports are poisoning people in America.” But, what about the people that make those imports? Few of us...

When Less is More

I often complain about lax chemical regulations. And, I am definitely guilty of saying “imports are poisoning people in America.” But what about the people that make those imports? Few of us ever...

Envirohealth News: Peak oil, drought, and (thank goodness) some environmental heroes

Greener parenting: Because "those cute little feet sure do make a big carbon footprint." Atlanta has less than a 90-day supply of water left, and so far there's no backup plan. German-based Energy...


Apple's iPhone contains chemicals that are internationally regulated because of their potential danger to health and the environment, according to research by Greenpeace. Elements of the phone were...

SMM: Eco-intervention

Poor Lindsay Lohas. Once upon a time she was a careful environmentalist, but in the wake of fortune and fame, her eco-idealism has gone down the toilet. Will her friends be able to get her back on...

National toxic toy ban? Lead the way, California

Right now, parents who want to avoid exposing their kids of phthalates have to carefully monitor the toys and children's products their young ones have access to. But when the initiative signed into...

Nuke free's the way to be

This is not about celebrities. If this was about celebrities, people would say "What do they know?" and "Their job is to entertain, they should just stay out of politics" and "Who do they think they...

Caution: These seven household items may feminize baby boys

. . . and they're unhealthy for you, too. Phthalates are the culprit. Phtha-what, you ask? Phthalates are common industrial chemicals. They've been around since the 1930's, making vinyl out of hard...

"Onederwear" makes me wonder about our common sense

Have you ever undressed to shower while on vacation and thought, "Gee, I really wish I didn't have to go to all the trouble of putting this underwear back in my luggage"? No? Me neither. But just in...

Lead in Lipstick?

To be honest, before I started working for EWG, I really didn’t think much of the makeup that I put on my face every day. I believed that the products were safe because I was able to buy them in...
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