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Displaying 3461 - 3480 of 4062

Three ways Congress can give the CPSC teeth

Look up “toothless tiger” in the dictionary, and you’ll see a picture of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Or at least that’s the impression given by the media and many of those...

Envirohealth News: Cancer risk from cell phones?

PBDE uptake patterns appear to be changing. In a study of families in Spain, the presence of specific chemicals mirrored that usually seen in electronics employees. There may be a relationship between...

Shifting sex ratio may be caused by PCBs, but how?

More girls than boys are being born in certain Inuit villages in the Arctic, and scientists say man-made chemicals are to blame. Women were tested for the level of PCBs (pervasive hormone mimicking...

South L.A. fast food ban is a message to Washington

In South L.A., fast food is king. It's cheap and abundant, with 20 eateries inside of a quarter-mile stretch, and other options are few and far between. The area's residents live off the stuff, and as...

EnviroHealth in blogs: Green tea, nurdles, and demystifying the Farm Bill

A little light reading to get you through your Wednesday. In response to a reader comment, Marc at Ethicurean boils the Food and Farm Bill down to a handful of easy to understand talking points. Now...

September 11th public health crisis gaining media attention

In the minutes following the attacks on the World Trade Center, the paramedics, firefighters and others who risked their lives to save others weren’t thinking about the chemical content of the dust...

9/10/07: EnviroHealth News

Asthma goes back to school. In LA, 63,000 students battle breathing problems caused by air pollution and moldy buildings. Can they carry their inhalers at school? Nobody seems sure. FEMA trailer...

Canadian politicians find there’s no escaping BPA

You don’t need me to tell you that poor folks are more likely to find themselves dealing with illnesses induced by environmental toxins (although clearly if you give me half a chance I will). Most...

SMM: City Slickers

So EWG designed a little gadget, ages ago, that allows users to find out who's getting farm subsidies (and how much, and where). We call it the Farm Subsidy Database (creative, I know). The database...

Mossville's dioxin-free dreams

I wonder what health insurance costs are like in Mossville, Louisiana? Sky high, I imagine. Residents of that community have three times as much dioxin in their bodies as the average U.S. population...

How cutting out certain food additives could curb ADHD (and cancer too)

A UK study published today in the Lancet reveals that certain food additives, including sodium benzoate and some colorings, likely play a role in the increasingly frequent diagnosis of ADHD in...

EPA's diacetyl secret

It's no secret that diacetyl, the chemical that gives butter-flavored microwave popcorn it's buttery-ness, has caused serious and sometimes fatal lung disease in workers in flavoring and popcorn...

What kids in MA are <i>not</i> saying: "More perchlorate please!"

Thirsty students at Clough Elementary in Mendon, MA were treated to something refreshing when they returned to school last week: Water in the building's bubblers no longer contains rocket fuel...

Trouble Downstream: Upgrading Conservation Compliance

Due to lax standards and implementation problems, USDA's conservation compliance program is missing cost-effective opportunities to make further, substantial reductions in cropland soil erosion and...

SMM: Food Battle

When few in America really understand what's at stake in the farm bill, and junk food is trying to run away with the subsidies again, what's a wholesome apple to do? Ask for your help, is what. You...

The Justice Roberts Skin Cancer Prevention System&trade

Chief Justice John Roberts doesn't believe sunscreens need to be regulated. Apparently he has all the protection he needs -- we hear those robes offer excellent skin cancer prevention. In the 29 years...

"One of the largest human trials in history."

I went through a phase, around second grade, when all I would take for lunch was peanut butter and jelly (creamy, and mint jelly, please. The green kind. Yes, I did get made fun of). My little sister...

Another Katrina legacy: Arsenic coated playgrounds

It's tricky to write about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent rebuilding of New Orleans. Today's headlines are full of contradictions. New Orleans is reveling "in a new spirit of...

Ask EWG: What can I do about fluoride in my water?

Question:I recently read a report in which EWG recommended using carbon filtration to filter tap water for drinking. The report pointed out that carbon filtering is less expensive than reverse osmosis...

How conventional hog farms pass the baton of antibiotic resistance

Researchers at the University of Illinois have concluded that antibiotic resistance created by the nearly ubiquitous use of antibiotics on large-scale hog farms is being transferred between organisms...
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