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CA Senator tells EPA chief no more bowing to industry

"I want to send a clear signal to EPA and to this administration: We are watching. No longer will EPA rollbacks quietly escape scrutiny." --California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer warning EPA...

Law & Order tackles human testing of pesticides

Tomorrow night, NBC will air “Loophole,” an episode on the crime drama Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, which focuses on the controversial EPA rule allowing intentional dosing of people with...

American Enterprise Institute All they have left is a suitcase full of cash

American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Exxon-funded think tank, is now offering scientists $10,000 to cast doubts on a report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). According...

Guest blogger defends Pollan from criticism

Yesterday I posted about Michael Pollan's essay Unhappy Meals for New York Times Magazine, in which he promotes eating whole foods rather than food products and raises doubts about scientists' who...

Pollan says 'food' over 'nutrients'

In New York Times Magazine, Michael Pollan lays his framework for why Americans are so confused about proper nutrition and what to eat. Pollan argues that confusion about food is job security for the...

Nanohazard symbol competition

While many scientists believe that most nanomaterials will ultimately prove to be benign, ETC Group -- which has called for a moratorium on the marketing of nanoproducts until more safety studies are...

Getting married soon? Consider greening your wedding.

Planning a large event like a wedding is a unique opportunity to make decisions can dramatically reduce your toll on the environment. Joe Carrick and Jessica Randall, newlyweds featured in today's...

What we are up against

"No you will not teach or show that propagandist Al Gore video to my child, blaming our nation -- the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet -- for global warming," Hardison wrote in an e-mail...

Bush's energy concerns fuel international interest and skepticism

The world watched in awe and excitement as President Bush outlined his new concepts of global warming and strategies to battle it during his State of the Union address Tuesday night. While the...

The upside of higher gas prices

Two years of record-high gasoline prices have forced auto-crazed Americans to do something they haven't done in more than two decades: Drive less.

More reactions to Bush's ethanol plan

Today North Jersey's The Record highlights some salient observations illuminating the reality behind Bush's ethanol proposal. Eric DeGesero, executive VP of the New Jersey Fuel Merchants Association...

Bush's 'biofuel boosterism' boondoggle?

In the State of the Union address, in addition to tougher mileage standards, President Bush called for increased reliance on renewable fuels, namely ethanol. The corn-based fuel additive, which has...

Bush's omissions not omitted by Washington Post

The Washington Post will not let President Bush off the hook for his omissions in last nights State of the Union address.

Tests reveal high lead levels in multivitamins

A new report by finds only 10 of 21 products tested meet the claims on their labels. Several of the multivitamin products tested contained high levels of lead, including one women's...

Grist spotlights farm bill debate

Like a barnyard sow basking in attention at a county fair, the farm bill -- that monstrously complex five-year plan for federal agriculture policy -- has suddenly gained a high profile.

With 2007 comes a cleaner House

The House has taken a strong step toward cleaner energy by passing the Creating Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation (CLEAN) Act. The CLEAN Act will shift nearly $14 billion in tax breaks for...

'Firefighter' blows smokescreen at fire retardant legislation

According to Seattle Post-Intelligencer, a man claiming to represent the Fallen Firefighters Foundation gave testimony against a PBDE bill. It was revealed that he worked for Ameribrom, a PBDE...

Flame retardants ingested through household dust

New research confirms that people can take up brominated flame retardants (PBDEs) from the dust in their homes.

Rock group looks after their mother

If you're a major rock band playing 30 shows in four months, your carbon footprint can get pretty big. Barenaked Ladies knows this and has taken big steps to lessen their footprint.

In the news: January 19, 2007

Are Wal-Mart's 'organics' organic?- A year after Wal-Mart laid out ambitious plans to become a much bigger player in the organic foods business, the giant retailer is running into trouble over its...
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