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Displaying 3781 - 3800 of 4062

Unsafe levels of pesticide residues in food

From The Guradian (UK): Consumers are being routinely exposed to unsafe levels of pesticide residues in their food which are nevertheless still within legal limits, campaigners warn today.

FDA is faulted for drug-safety process

The nation's system for approving and monitoring the safety of medicines is inadequate and needs far-reaching reforms, and the Food and Drug Administration is plagued with poor management and...

Honda unveils diesel system to rival gasoline cars

Honda announced Monday its plans for releasing a new and simple diesel powertrain that is as clean as gasoline-fuelled cars. The new cars are slated to hit the U.S. market by 2009. Diesel engines are...

After Two Decades of Agricultural Disaster Aid A Chronic Dependency Takes Root

This year millions of dollars of emergency agricultural disaster aid will go to the very same farmers and ranchers who have collected it every other year, or more frequently, for decades.

What goes into crisps goes into who?

Children who eat a bag of potato chips (35g) daily, consume 5 liters (1.3 US gallons) of cooking oil every year. That's the message the British Heart Foundation is looking to spread via their new ad...

In the news: September 22, 2006

Autism: The continuing debate over whether vaccines play a role in neurodevelopmental disorders is more than academic, with children's health and industry wealth hanging in the balance. British...

Spinach growers are "victims" of E. coli, not culprits

While sensationalists and those fond of chemical-intensive farming were ready to hang the organic industry at the first mention of an E coli outbreak, NYT farm and food columnist Nina Planck says the...

British Royal Society: Exxon misrepresents climate issues

Britain's Royal Society, of which both Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were members, has asked Exxon Mobil to stop financing groups that create a “false sense somehow that there is a two-sided debate...

In the news: Quote of the Day

“It really shows how peer review has just turned into some form of pixie dust that is sprinkled over studies so that they can save companies money when they run into regulatory problems.”

White House and Science

True democracy can take place only when all people have access to all information. The Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy and Center for Science in the Public Interest for years have...

You smell so good its killing me!

Several schools and institutions are instituting fragrance-free policies to reduce unnecessary incidence of migraines and respiratory irritation. Yep. Those fancy, sweet smelling fragrances that can...

John Kerry: "this administration couldn't care less"about minority and low-income neighborhoods

The [EPA] is not conducting required reviews to ensure that low-income and minority neighborhoods get the same environmental protection as other communities.

"The Nation" calls for action on 2007 Farm Bill

Do you think current farm policy favor corporations over small farmers and consumers? The Nation does, and they want you to weigh in on the drafting of the 2007 Farm Bill.

Study: Hostility may lead to decreased lung function

Are you an angry, hostile man? A recently published study finds that you may have some decreased lung function in your future. (This is in addition to the hardships of having your house ransacked on...

Natural Selection Foods: Organic spinach not to blame

Contrary to claims of those sympathetic to chemical-intensive farming, all cases of this most recent outbreak of E. coli have been traced back to packages of non-organic spinach, according to Natural...

Alums have a bone to pick with Harvard

It looks like Environmental Working Group aren't the only ones that have a bone to pick with Harvard. At least 17 Harvard alumni, including several leading public health experts, have voiced serious...

Respected journal brings public to peer-review process

The scientific journal Nature has added a new element to its system of reviewing articles for publication---posting submissions online and allowing feedback from recognized scientists and institutions...

McDonald's ad chief resigning in McHummer shame?

Oh no! According to Forbes, McDonald's marketing chief Bill Lamar may be resigning soon amidst the “dubious call of putting toy Hummer replicas in Happy Meals.”

Voodoo and Mercury

Mercury is believed to attract love, luck or riches and can protect against evil. It is also known to cause permanent damage to developing children's brains and have numerous harmful effects on the...


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