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Displaying 581 - 600 of 4063

How Michigan Reduced Industrial Discharges of PFAS

At least 2,500 industrial facilities across the nation could be discharging the toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS into the air and water, according to an updated EWG analysis of government...

Five Ways To Clean Up Your Beauty Routine During COVID-19 Lockdown

Being stuck at home for weeks on end stinks. But it's necessary to flatten the curve of the coronavirus, so let's make the best of it. EWG came up with ways to take advantage of this time of self...

As Pandemic Rages, Federal Nuclear Regulators Put Keeping Reactors Running Ahead of Public Health and Safety

The federal government's toothless nuclear “watchdog” has historically shown more concern for keeping dangerous aging reactors running than for Americans' safety from a nuclear accident. So how is the...

After the Pandemic, Kentucky Can Rebuild the Economy and Create Jobs by Investing in Clean Energy

The coronavirus pandemic will leave in its wake an urgent need to rebuild state economies. In Kentucky, building out the state's huge potential for wind and solar power can play a major role – but...

EWG News Roundup (4/24): PFAS Cleanup Will Be Costly, But Necessary, Farm Workers Deserve Protections and More

EWG News Roundup (4/24): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Mapping the PFAS Contamination Crisis

Research by the Environmental Working Group and the PFAS Project at Northeastern University's Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute, or SSEHRI, has helped to map the crisis of...

Trump’s Farm Relief Won’t Protect Essential Farmworkers From COVID-19

The Trump administration's plan to spend billions to address the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on agriculture may help industrial-scale produce farms but does little to assist farmworkers...

It’s Time To Switch to PFAS-Free Firefighting Foams

Firefighting foam is one of the most significant sources of water contamination from the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. PFAS-based firefighting foams have been widely used by the military...

In a Pandemic, Farmworkers Deserve a Raise, Not a Pay Cut

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, farmworkers are risking their lives to feed us. So why are some officials in the Trump administration and some Republicans in Congress trying to cut farmworkers'...

What if Lots of Food and Farm Workers Get Sick at the Same Time?

More than 20 million people grow, harvest, pack, process, transport, serve and sell our food. The food and farm industry rivals the energy and health care sectors in terms of number of jobs.

Harvard Study: In Places With Dirty Air, COVID-19 Patients at Greater Risk of Death

Coronavirus sufferers in places with dirtier air are far more likely to die than those in areas with cleaner air, according to the first nationwide study of the connection between fossil fuel...

Mississippi River Flood Management Could Cause Another Devastating Gulf Coast Toxic Algae Bloom This Year

The Army Corps of Engineers just opened a huge flood management structure to relieve the swollen Mississippi River, which could cause a recurrence of a huge toxic algae bloom along the Gulf Coast...

EWG News Roundup (4/10): Mapping PFAS Discharges, COVID-19 Hand Care Tips and More

EWG News Roundup (4/10): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

UPDATE: Thousands of Industrial Facilities Likely Discharging Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Into Air and Water

At least 2,500 industrial facilities across the nation could be discharging the toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS into the air and water, according to an updated EWG analysis of government...

Protecting Your Hands During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By now you may have seen the effects of repeated handwashing, and they're not pretty.

EWG News Roundup (4/3): PFAS Taints Military Bases, Trump Rolls Back Car Emissions Standards and More

On Thursday, EWG released an updated map that shows toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS are now confirmed or suspected at 678 military installations.

UPDATED MAP: Suspected and Confirmed PFAS Pollution at U.S. Military Bases

The toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS are now confirmed or suspected at 678 military installations, according to EWG's updated analysis of Defense Department records.

How To Shop Safely and Eat Well During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Although our daily routines have drastically shifted in the past few weeks, one thing hasn't changed: the need to eat healthfully. Healthy eating is always important, but now there's an even more...

Trump Rollback of Auto Emissions Standards = 1 Billion More Tons of Air Pollution

Today the Trump administration is set to release a final rule rolling back auto fuel efficiency standards, which will let cars and light trucks emit 1 billion more tons, or more, of carbon pollution...

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