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Displaying 781 - 800 of 4063

Manure From Unregulated Factory Farms Fuels Lake Erie’s Toxic Algae Blooms

Across America, outbreaks of toxic algae, triggered by polluted farm runoff, are increasing in frequency and severity, fouling drinking water with dangerous toxins. In 2014, an algae outbreak in Lake...

EWG News Roundup (4/5): EPA Chief Dodges Questions, Big Pork Will Make Its Own Food Safety Inspections, Why Trump Hates Wind and More

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler made the rounds of Capitol Hill this week, displaying twice his questionable commitment to protecting Americans' public health.

The Real Reason Donald Trump Hates Wind

Here's the real reason Trump is attacking wind power: It's going to replace the electricity produced from burning coal. And soon.

Two Big Steps Toward Meeting Our Climate Pledge

A House committee is expected to approve legislation today to require the Trump administration to produce a plan to meet America's international commitments to fighting climate change.

Out-of-Season Algae Outbreaks on the Rise

Outbreaks of toxic algae in U.S. waterways usually happen in warmer months. But in a sign that the problem is growing worse, algae blooms were reported in December in Michigan and Washington state...

EWG News Roundup (3/29): Monsanto’s Weedkiller ‘Guilty,’ Lawmakers Offer Plans To Test Water for PFAS, Ban Toxic Pesticide and More

On Wednesday, a second jury in eight months found that glyphosate, the signature ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto's weedkiller Roundup, causes cancer. The plaintiff in the case was awarded $80 million in...

Trump and Big Oil Want To Pull the Plug on the Electric Car Market

President Trump's proposed budget for 2020 would eliminate the federal tax credit for buyers of electric vehicles. The oil industry is backing the proposal, as well as a bill to impose a “user fee” –...

For Consumers, Being Clean Is as Important as Coming Clean

More than ever, Americans want to know everything about our food, cosmetics, cleaners and other everyday products we bring into our homes.

This Is Why You Should Always Choose Organic Kale for Kids

The veggie du jour is kale, but it can be packed with more than nutrition: More than 90 percent of the kale samples sold in the U.S. are contaminated with pesticide residue, according to a new EWG...

On Cosmetics Safety, U.S. Trails More Than 40 Nations

U.S. regulation of chemicals and contaminants in cosmetics is falling behind the rest of the world, according to an EWG analysis.

Study: Elevated Levels of Toxic Chemicals Found in Menstrual Pads and Disposable Diapers

Many brands of menstrual pads and disposable diapers contain elevated levels of chemicals linked to developmental and reproductive harm, according to a recent study published in the journal...

The 100% Renewables Moonshot: We’re Closer Than You Think

Advocates for 100 percent renewable energy often compare the effort needed to meet that goal to efforts to put a person on the moon.

Farm Crisis? What Crisis? Ag Interests Cry Wolf on Economy

In the wake of President Trump's tariffs, agriculture interests are claiming that the farm economy is crashing. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said recently that farm debt is rising to levels not...

Five Things You Should Know About Lead in Baby Food

Lead and other heavy metals are contaminating baby foods like puree, juice and teething cookies, according to Food and Drug Administration data and recent testing by Consumer Reports. Here's what you...

A Bill of Rights To Keep Utilities From Penalizing Solar Customers

Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned electric utility in the U.S., wants to charge customers in South Carolina more for using less energy. Duke is asking state regulators for permission to more...

Glyphosate Contamination in Food Goes Far Beyond Oat Products

Seems like every time a government agency or public interest group tests food for Monsanto's weedkiller glyphosate, which has been linked to cancer, they find it.

Who Will Support Real Cosmetics Reform?

In coming weeks, members of Congress will again introduce bipartisan bills to ensure that the chemicals used in cosmetics and other everyday personal care products are safe
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