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Areas of Focus

Displaying 881 - 900 of 4063

Efficiency: The Low-Profile Core of a Smart Energy Policy

Solar panels and wind turbines get the headlines, but efficiency – designing appliances, electronics, cars and buildings to use less energy – is also an important part of the story of the clean energy...

EPA Ignores the Science, Dismisses the Risks to Children’s Health From Syngenta’s Atrazine

In a move that echoes pesticide industry wishes, the Environmental Protection Agency chose to ignore recent science and human health studies on atrazine, a weed-killer that turns male frogs into...

EWG Study: Smarter Seafood Choices Can Lower Mercury Exposure for Parents and Their Future Children

Choosing low-mercury fish and other seafood can significantly lower the body's mercury levels in just three months, according to a new EWG study.

Trump Says He’ll Save Coal Power Plants, But Even Utilities Know He’s Blowing Smoke

The Trump administration's latest idea to “bring back coal” is to let individual states decide how – or even whether – to cut air pollution from coal-burning power plants. The plan is meant to...

Mosquito ‘Danger Days’ Rising: Protect Your Family With EWG’s Bug Repellent Guide

Experts predict mosquito and tick bites and subsequent infections will continue to rise as warmer climates expand insect habitats and populations.

Meet the Farmers of Manhattan

A 52-story skyscraper on Park Avenue in New York City is the world headquarters for JPMorganChase, the largest bank in the U.S. But according to data from the Department of Agriculture, it's also the...

The Farm Bill: Safety Net for Family Farmers or Bailout for Billionaires?

Will the next federal farm bill reopen the loopholes that once allowed millionaires and billionaires – stockbroker Charles Schwab, Microsoft founder Paul Allen, banking tycoon David Rockefeller, Sr...

On Environmental Record, Did Kavanaugh Lie to Senate?

In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh grossly misrepresented his record on the environment.

Removing Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals From Your Home’s Tap Water

The family of fluorinated compounds known as PFAS chemicals includes more than 4,700 chemicals – some linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened immunity and developmental defects, and others whose...

Brett Kavanaugh: Good News for Polluters, Bad News for Public Health

One reason to think twice before confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the critical open swing seat on the Supreme Court is his long record of adopting extreme views to defend polluters

Florida’s Beaches and Waterways Devastated by Unprecedented Algae Outbreaks

An unprecedented environmental catastrophe is striking Florida's storied beaches, lakes and rivers this summer. Outbreaks of three separate strains of harmful algae are killing fish and other marine...

EWG’s Back-to-School Tips for a Healthy Lunch

Parents have a lot to worry about when sending their kids back to school. Lunch shouldn't be one. EWG can help you avoid pesticides, food additives and contaminants in drinking water to make your...

The Farm Bill Should Better Protect America’s Drinking Water

America's drinking water is under threat from a formidable foe: polluted farm runoff, which contaminates the tap water supplies for millions of people, especially in rural areas.

‘Should I Throw Out My Cheerios?’ and Other Questions about Roundup in Children’s Food

Recently, EWG released a headline-making report on Roundup in children's cereal and other oat-based foods. Much of the news coverage agrees with us that parents should be concerned.

Will Brett Kavanaugh Keep Asbestos Legal?

Will a vote for Brett Kavanaugh for the critical swing seat on the Supreme Court be a vote to keep asbestos legal? Photo courtesy of Alex Brandon via AP Photo

School Supplies Laced with Toxic Chemicals: Make Sure Your School Avoids These Products

Depending on where you live, schools are either back in session or the first day is fast approaching. A new study by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, or USPIRG, found harmful chemicals in...

Ask EWG: What’s the Best Bug Spray to Buy for My Kids?

Bug spray is easily one of the most confusing products to buy for your kids. There are a lot of ingredients to choose from and a lot of misinformation. Will they work? Are they safe? Knowing which one...
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