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Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 4063

EPA Chief Living Large on Taxpayer’s Dime

In his first year as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has spent almost a quarter of a million dollars on first-class seats, military and charter jets, a private phone...

Asbestos Is No Joke

The full-page ad on the back of this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is supposed to be funny.

Chemicals in Everyday Products Rival Cars as Source of Air Pollution

Releases from chemical products, including ones we use every day in our homes, are as much a cause of air pollution as automobile emissions, according to a new study that has big implications for how...

Contaminated Cosmetics Pose Growing Risk to Consumers

A rash of product recalls, government warning notices and contaminated cosmetics may finally push Congress to give our broken cosmetics law a makeover.

EWG’s News Roundup (2/16): 1,000 Communities Have Serious Lead Issues, While Flint Still Reels From Crisis

EWG News Roundup (2/16): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Since the Lead Crisis, Reading Scores in Flint Drop Dramatically

Third-graders' reading scores in Flint, Mich., have dropped dramatically since the city's crisis of lead contamination in drinking water began, according to reports in the Detroit Free Press and The...

EPA Data: Tap Water in More Than 1,000 Communities Tainted With Lead Above Action Level

Tests by drinking water utilities serving 1.8 million Americans in 45 states detected lead above the Environmental Protection Agency's action level, according to EWG's analysis of the latest available...

5 Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to Toxic BPA

No one disputes that bisphenol A, a toxic compound widely used to line food cans and other food packaging, is polluting people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found BPA in the urine of...

About EWG’s Jonas Initiative for Children's Environmental Health

With the generous support of the Jonas Philanthropies, in October 2016, EWG launched the Jonas Initiative for Children's Environmental Health.

Imports of Organic Corn and Soybeans Topped $1.5 Billion Since 2012

America's farmers lost out on over $1.5 billion in sales of organic soybeans and corn between 2012 and 2017, according to agricultural trade data released this week by the U.S. Department of...

Every Parent Concerned About Their Kids’ Health Should Read This Book

If the Environmental Working Group were to assign a book for parents and expectant parents, it would be “Children and Environmental Toxins: What Everyone Needs to Know.”

Update: Almost Three-Fourths of Medi-Cal Toddlers Miss Annual Lead Tests Required by Law

In September, EWG reported that each year about a third of California toddlers enrolled in Medi-Cal don't receive lead testing required by law. But the problem is much worse than we estimated.

5 People Who Shouldn’t Be in Charge of Protecting Us From Toxic Chemicals

Theirs aren't the only faces in Trump's gallery of regulatory rogues. One year into Trump's war on public health, here's a closer look.

As World Rejects Coal, Trump Administration Continues to Back Dying Industry

The rejection of dirty and expensive coal power is accelerating worldwide. Yet the Trump administration continues its desperate attempts to keep a dying industry on life support.

To Protect Young Farmworkers, Calif. Rejects EPA Rollback of Pesticide Policy

Last week, the federal Environmental Protection Agency took steps that could lead to the repeal of health-protective safeguards designed to prevent teenage farmworkers from handling toxic pesticides...

‘Tide Pod Challenge’ Highlights Danger of Colorful Laundry Packets

An unbelievably dumb and extremely dangerous dare has gone viral on social media. It's the “Tide Pod Challenge”: biting down on the small, colorful – and potentially poisonous – packets of liquid...

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