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World Health Organization Urges Farmers to Stop Overusing Antibiotics in Livestock

The World Health Organization issued new guidelines strongly urging farmers to stop the routine use of antibiotics in animals that aren't sick. WHO, an arm of the United Nations, is concerned that...

EWG’s News Roundup (11/17): Farmers Double Dip into Subsidies, California Leads on Clean Energy and More

In a new report this week, EWG discovered that a large swath of profitable farm operations are getting subsidized twice for one crop loss. In 2014 and 2015 these double dippers took advantage of...

Double Dipping: How Taxpayers Subsidize Farmers Twice for Crop Losses

Between 2014 and 2015, three federal farm subsidy programs paid farmers multiple times for the same loss in crop yield or decline in crop price.

Pruitt’s EPA Abandoning Duty to Protect Kids From Dangerous Pesticides

Five years is a long time in the life of a child – and for the child's parents. Five years can be a period of profound change, growth and development. But if Environmental Protection Agency chief...

Federal Study: Replacements for Hormone-Disrupting BPA May Be Just as Bad

Replacements for bisphenol A, a hormone-disrupting chemical in plastics and food containers, could be just as harmful or even worse than it, according to a new study by the National Toxicology Program...

Amid Pipe Wars, Researchers Wary of Plastic Pipes Leaching Chemicals

Over the next decade, U.S. cities and towns will spend an estimated $300 billion to replace aging water and sewer pipes.

Let's Talk Turkey: How to Decode Labels to Choose a Better Thanksgiving Bird

Confused by the labels on turkeys? EWG helps you sort out the facts with a new label decoder.

Study: Rocket Fuel Chemical Harms the Developing Fetus

Pregnant women's exposure to a rocket fuel chemical, which contaminates drinking water for millions of Americans, could harm the development of fetuses' brains, a new British study found.

EWG’s News Roundup (11/9): U.S. Fails in Climate Leadership, Tips on Avoiding Toxic Dust and More

On Tuesday, the U.S. earned the awful distinction of being the only nation on Earth to stand in opposition to the Paris climate accord. EWG was quick to call out the Trump administration for its...

How to Remove Toxic Dust, Your Home’s Most Unwanted Guest

Of all the dangers that could be present in our homes, dust may not be the first to come to mind.

Planting Trees Helped End the Dust Bowl. Crop Subsidies Reward Farmers Who Rip Them Out.

During the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, the federal government planted 220 million trees to stop the blowing soil that devastated the Great Plains.

EWG’s News Roundup (11/3): Greener Homes, Taxpayer Dollars Flow to Industrial Farms and More

EWG's News Roundup (11/3): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

The PFOA Drinking Water Contamination Crisis Just Got Much Bigger

Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency reported that 1 percent of samples from public drinking water systems nationwide were contaminated with PFOA, a nonstick chemical formerly used to make...

Study: Eating Foods with Fewer Pesticides Boosts Women’s Chances to Conceive

Women seeking to get pregnant could significantly improve their chances by eating conventional fruits and vegetables with fewer pesticide residues, or eating organic produce, according to a new study...

EPA Chief Backs Another Pesticide Harmful to Kids

A pesticide called dicamba has become a poster child for the arms race between ever-stronger weeds and ever-stronger weed killers.

Beauty and the Beast: Fix Broken Cosmetics Law with Real Reform, Not Loopholes

Federal law on cosmetics and other personal care products is badly broken and has not been updated for nearly 80 years.

Organic Imports Continue to Rise Alongside Organic Demand, Research Shows

Organic farming remains a bright spot in American agriculture. The price premiums enjoyed by organic farmers for many staple commodities like soybeans and corn remain higher than conventional prices.

EWG’s News Roundup (10/20): Trouble in Farm Country, EPA Toxics Nominee Hopscotches Senate and More

EWG's News Roundup (10/20): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

How to Breathe Safer as California Wildfires Rage On

The wildfires spreading through California are leaving behind unimaginable devastation, including some of the most polluted air ever recorded in parts of the state.
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