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Displaying 1201 - 1220 of 4063

Trump’s Budget Unites Farmers and Foodies

President Trump's budget request managed to do something few could have imagined: unite farmers and foodies.

The 14 Worst-Scoring Sunscreens for Babies and Kids

Choosing the right sunscreen from the hundreds of products lining store shelves can be daunting. EWG researchers came up with a list of 14 worst-scoring sunscreens for kids to avoid.

Trump’s EPA Chief Says Polluters Pay To Clean Up Worst Toxic Waste Sites. Wrong: We Do.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt was recently asked by Fox News how much it will cost to clean up the nation's most severely polluted toxic waste sites. His answer shows that the man...

Amid High Prices and Strong Demand, Do Cotton Farmers Need 'Relief?'

Some legislators say cotton farmers need more federal financial support. Is this true?

What Do These Regulatory Rollback Champions Have in Common? Anti-Consumer Donors.

Sens. James Lankford, R-Okla., and Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., have two things in common.

Why the Senate Should Reject the ‘License to Kill’ Bill

Most Americans think asbestos was banned decades ago. But asbestos-caused diseases still kill up to 15,000 Americans a year.

Corporate Lobbyists Finance Senate Leader of ‘License to Kill’ Bill

One out of every five political donations made to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc. – chair of a Senate committee expected to vote this week to effectively block new consumer protection rules – came from...

The Senate is About to Pass a Bill That Could Keep Asbestos and Other Deadly Chemicals Legal

Seat belts. Two pilots in every cockpit. Cribs that don't strangle infants. These federal rules, and many others, have saved a lot of lives over the years. In the process they've made American...

Attack on Food Safety Rules Is Life or Death Issue for Allergy Sufferers

Food allergies don't just cause hives or breathing problems – they can also kill. That's why the so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, or RAA, moving through Congress should be called the License...

Federal Rules Help Farmers, But Farm Lobbyists Want to Block Them

Farm lobbyists often complain that farmers face overregulation. In fact, farmers are largely exempt from most environmental and public health regulations, including rules designed to protect drinking...

Landmark Study: People in Highly Polluted Areas at Greater Risk of Cancer

Americans who live in highly polluted areas are likely at greater risk of developing cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers, according to a new study from the University of Illinois at...

Who's Watching the Oil and Gas Industry in California?

California's well-earned reputation as the nation's greenest state, with cutting-edge policies mandate fuel efficiency and renewable energy, hides a surprising fact: California also produces the third...

Landmark Study: People in Highly Polluted Areas at Greater Risk of Cancer

Americans who live in highly polluted areas are likely at greater risk of developing cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers, according to a new study from the University of Illinois at...

Buyer Beware: What’s Really in That 'Healthy' Cereal?

Take our quiz to find out which foods are currently allowed by the FDA to be branded as “healthy” and which are forbidden from using the claim.

Six Questions About Cellphone Radiation and Your Health

In April, the city of Berkeley, Calif., won a major decision in a federal appeals court, allowing the city to go forward with its ordinance requiring cellphone retailers to provide consumers with...

The Scariest Trump Appointee You’ve Never Heard Of

The Trump administration just appointed a chemical industry bigwig to a high-level chemical safety position at the Environmental Protection Agency as Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of...

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