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Displaying 1241 - 1260 of 4063

Is Federal Crop Insurance Policy Leading to Another Dust Bowl?

As the southern Great Plains get hotter and drier, is federal policy that encourages farmers not to adapt to climate change leading to another Dust Bowl?

Lawsuit Dismissal Spells Bad News for Iowa Water Quality

Central Iowans got bad news about the quality of their drinking water on Friday when a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by the Des Moines Water Works against three northern Iowa drainage districts.

How Sonny Perdue Got a $100,000 Tax Break

How can you get your friend to give you a $100,000 tax break?

10 Questions for Sonny Perdue, Trump's USDA Nominee

On Thursday, the Senate Agriculture Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, President Trump's nominee to head the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Here are 10...

The Real Farm Subsidy Scandal? USDA’s Legacy of Racial Discrimination.

Prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer receives farm subsidies, but this is not a real scandal. There is no “Nazi test” for farm subsidies – nor should there be.

No Rules? No Food Safety

Everyone likes safe food. Polls show consumers want food safety to be a top priority for food companies and policymakers.

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 17)

Here are several of this past week's deep dives on that development, along with other worrisome environmental and public health actions taken by the Trump administration.

Despite Rising Demand, U.S. Doesn’t Do Enough to Support Organic Transition

More and more Americans want to avoid toxic pesticides on the foods they are buying and feeding their families. But the U.S. invests too little in growing more organic food. As demand for organic food...

Swimming Upstream Against Infertility: What You Can Do to Protect Your Sperm

In his most recent op-ed in the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof examined an alarming rise in sperm or semen abnormalities – including misshapen sperm, lower sperm counts and poor swimming capacity.

Sonny Perdue’s Revolving Door Policy Already in Action

Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, President Trump's nominee for secretary of agriculture, is still awaiting a Senate confirmation hearing. But just as he did in Georgia, he's already maneuvering to...

Colon and Rectal Cancers on the Rise in Young Adults

Colon and rectal cancer rates are rising sharply among Americans in their 20s, according to a new study. Researchers haven't yet pinpointed why, but the trend should be a wake-up call for young adults...

No Rules? No Renewable Fuel

Midwestern politicians, such as Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, usually love mandates to blend more and more ethanol into our gasoline. In fact, Portman cites ethanol as one way to “lower gas prices and...

The Pesticide Lobby's ‘Alternative Facts’ About EWG’s Shopper’s Guide

Does hearing about pesticides on produce make people less likely to eat fruits and vegetables? No – just the opposite. But that's what the pesticide lobby would like to have you believe.

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 10)

In another tumultuous week for the Trump White House, alleged corruption, regulatory rollbacks and head-scratching statements reigned supreme.

EWG Investigates: Trump’s Agriculture Nominee Brings the Swamp to Washington

In his campaign, President Trump promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington. But his nominee for secretary of agriculture, former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, is mired in ethical lapses, self-dealing...

The One Fight We Can’t Lose

Much of the damage to public health and the environment that the Trump administration is putting forward – such as cutting the Environmental Protection Agency's budget, or gutting clean air and water...

California Cautions Cell Phone Users: Keep Your Distance

Under a court order, last week California public health officials released draft guidelines advising cell phone users to keep phones away from their bodies, use speaker phone and limit use.

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 3)

It was quite the busy week for the Trump team – with new Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt wasting no time putting his extreme, anti-environment agenda in place.

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