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News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Feb. 10)

Following last week's suspension of rules to railroad President Trump's Environmental Protection Agency nominee, Scott Pruitt, through the Republican-led Senate Environmental and Public Works...

5 Things to Know About California’s Cleaning Products Disclosure Bill

Many of the supplies we use to clean and freshen our homes and workplaces contain ingredients that could harm our health or the environment. Some products use ingredients that have been linked to...

Another Stain on Pruitt’s Record: Mahard’s Chicken Manure Spill

A poultry waste lagoon subject to Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt's oversight overflowed after a storm in early 2015, fouling nearby creeks and lakes with chicken manure.

EWG News Roundup (2/3) Pruitt, PFCs in Food, Harvard, Truth-Challenged White House and More

Holy smokes, what a week. It began with reports from EWG and others showing food wrappers from several top fast food chains were contaminated with toxic PFCs. The Senate broke its own rules to force a...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Feb. 3)

This week, the Republican-led Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee suspended rules and decorum to railroad President Trump's EPA nominee, Scott Pruitt, through the committee, setting up a...

February 2017: Cancer prevention month

Cancer facts The number of people diagnosed with cancer has slowly decreased in recent years—mainly among men. The number of people who live for at least five years after being diagnosed with cancer...

Cancer Prevention Month: Poor Air Quality May Increase Children’s Cancer Risks

We've all choked on the billowing smoke of a passing truck. But poor air quality can have more serious effects that results in chronic disease, hospital admissions and even death.

Your Game Plan for a Healthier Super Bowl Sunday

When it comes to eating holidays, Super Bowl Sunday comes in second only to Thanksgiving, with some reports suggesting that the average football fan consumes more than 2,400 calories during the game...

EPA Nominee Pruitt Refused to Promise Asbestos Ban

Last year, former President Barack Obama signed an update to the federal Toxic Substances Control Act into law, finally giving the EPA authority to ban asbestos use and importation. The agency is...

EWG News Roundup (1/27): Trump’s Media Blackout at EPA, Okla. Enviros Push Back on Pruitt and More

The first week of the Trump administration is just about over, and what a week it's been. It started with a media blackout at EPA and a freeze on EPA grants to states and localities used to protect...

Did Scott Pruitt Lie to the Senate?

Did President Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency mislead members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee during his confirmation hearing?

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Jan. 27)

As President Trump's first week in office comes to an end, a number of startling decisions that could have serious implications for public health and the environment have already come out of the White...

Sen. Pat Roberts Was Right: Farm Subsidy Costs Soar by More Than $10 Billion

Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, now chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, opposed the 2014 Farm Bill because of the projected cost of new farm subsidies. At the time, Roberts said the bill was a...

EPA Nominee Again a Know-Nothing on the Dangers of Lead

In 1973, the Environmental Protection Agency ordered a phaseout of lead in gasoline. Since then, lead levels in the blood of American children have dropped dramatically, making the ban on leaded...

Kids’ Health at Risk Under Trump’s EPA

Last week's confirmation hearing for President Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency underscored the agency's foremost responsibility: protecting the health of America's children...

Do Farm Subsidies Reduce Rural Poverty?

Rural voters played an important role in the last election. As the Senate considers a new Secretary of Agriculture and Congress begins work on a new Farm Bill, it's important to consider the effect...

EWG News Roundup (1/20): Pruitt, Perdue, Big Poultry and Organics

Last weekend, EWG reported that after taking $40,000 in campaign contributions from poultry industry interests, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt – President Trump's nominee to head the...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Jan. 20)

Now that President Donald Trump has been sworn in, the focus can now shift fully to his incoming cabinet and first presidential actions. Here are several of this week's deep dives into the new...

EWG Investigates: Trump's EPA Pick Unaware Lead is Unsafe at Any Level for Kids

The man who could be in charge of ensuring the safety of the nation's drinking water doesn't know the most basic fact about a grave health threat for American children: lead contamination of tap water...

EWG Investigates: Scott Pruitt’s Bogus Green Claims

Scott Pruitt, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency, claims that as Oklahoma attorney general he achieved a “historic agreement” to clean up chicken manure...

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