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Displaying 1361 - 1380 of 4063

A Saudi Prince May Be Racing Away with Farm Subsidies

Billionaire Saudi Prince Khalid bin Abdullah could be raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in U.S. taxpayer-funded crop insurance subsidies through farms he owns in Kentucky – but we have no way...

Hungry to Finish Food Policy Leftovers

When the election is (finally) over, the next Administration will have a grocery list of food and farm policy priorities to address, ranging from unregulated farm pollution to overuse of antibiotics...

Think U.S. Agriculture Will End World Hunger? Think Again.

Every time we at EWG talk about the damage farming can do to drinking water, air quality, public health and quality of life, we hear: “Well, you know we have to feed the world.”

#RaiseTheBar with EWG VERIFIED®

Share your support of healthier cosmetics using the hashtag #RaiseTheBar. Use it when you want to share about a verified product or to encourage companies to get their products verified.

Don’t Be Fooled by ‘Green’ Cleaners

Few things are more satisfying than walking into a clean home, but it is important to remember that clean doesn't always mean safe.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In 2016 there will be an estimated 246,660 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women, and 2,600 new cases in men. The high rates of the disease emphasize the importance of prevention for those at...

October 2016: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

There are more than 3 million women living with breast cancer in the U.S. and it is estimated that almost 250,000 women and 2,600 men will be diagnosed this year.

Cancer and the Environment: 10 Common Misconceptions Answered

Conjecture and falsehoods that masquerade as fact can hamper efforts to prevent and treat cancer.

Study: Flame Retardant Use in Some Products Declining

When EWG and other environmental health advocates began raising alarms about toxic flame retardants in foam-cushioned furniture and other products, people couldn't find out exactly what chemicals were...

Global Effort Aims to Reduce Children’s Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

A new report for the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child contends that protection from toxic pollution should be considered a basic human right.

The Latest Tool in Combating Antibiotic Resistance: Organic Farming

If you've been hesitant to jump on the organic bandwagon, a recent report by the Organic Center may just change your mind. The researchers found that organic farming practices could reduce the spread...

Antibiotic Resistance Could Kill More People than Cancer

By 2050, antibiotic resistant bacteria are projected to kill 10 million people a year, more than the current death toll from all cancers globally, which has reached 8.2 million.

'Erin Brockovich' Chemical in Drinking Water of More than 200 Million Americans

Drinking water supplies for two-thirds of Americans are contaminated with the carcinogenic chemical made notorious by the film "Erin Brockovich," which was based on the real-life poisoning of tap...

Toxic Triclosan Banned From Soap but Lingers in Consumer Products

The Food and Drug Administration announced earlier this month that it will finally ban the use of triclosan, a toxic chemical associated with hormone disruption in people, in antibacterial hand soaps...

Wisconsin Farm Group Admits to Tainting Drinking Water, Continues Failing Residents

What if your neighbor poured toxic chemicals into your drinking water but only agreed to pay for part of the cleanup? Well, that's exactly what's happening in northeastern Wisconsin.

5 Ways to Protect Your Hormones from Toxic Chemicals

When you're trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle, diet and exercise tend to get most of the attention. But there's another critical step to living healthier: reducing your intake of toxic chemicals...

Blue-Green Algae Threaten Human Health and Aquatic Ecosystems Nationwide

From Florida beaches to Lake Erie to the California Delta, algal blooms threaten human health and aquatic ecosystems. Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae, produce toxins that can make...

Rocket Fuel and the Not-So-Safe Drinking Water Act

In a remarkable moment of courtroom candor, an attorney representing the Environmental Protection Agency admitted last week the EPA "blew it" in botched efforts to regulate a hazardous chemical in the...

Farmers' Prostate Cancer Likely Linked to Pesticide Exposures

One in seven men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes. It's the most common cancer among men, but we don't know much about its causes.

Top Labor Day Tips to End Summer on a High Note

Whether you're planning a beach outing, pool party or cookout to mark the last days of summer, here are some tips for a safe and healthy Labor Day weekend.
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