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Displaying 1381 - 1400 of 4063

You Can Find Hundreds (!) of Couches Without Toxic Flame Retardants

Many companies across the nation have complied with California's 2014 flammability standard that allows furniture manufacturers not to use flame retardant chemicals in polyurethane foam.

This Back-to-School Season, Protect the Lunchbox

Back to school means books, studying and recess – to kids. For many parents, this time of year means packing lunches.

Farm Subsidies Will Cost Taxpayers Some Serious Cheese

You may have thought that the $20 million “cheese bailout” was the biggest news in farm policy this week, but you'd be wrong.

Low-Cost Solutions Can Clean Up Farms’ Toxic Water Pollution

Low-tech, low-cost prairie strips on farms – buffers of grass, trees or other permanent vegetation planted along the banks of rivers, streams, lakes and other waterways – can reduce toxic farm...

Scathing Internal Report Says EPA Failed to Review Corn Ethanol’s Environmental Effects

The EPA has failed to determine whether the Renewable Fuel Standard, a so-called environmental policy that's costing American taxpayers $1 billion to $2 billion a year, has a net benefit on the...

Illegal Herbicide Use on Monsanto GMOs Spurs Bitter Complaints

Remember when we told you that some farmers were illegally spraying the herbicide dicamba on Monsanto's new GMO crops? Well, the situation is getting worse.

How Sunscreen Makers Spoof the SPF System

I keep a bottle of Banana Boat Sport SPF 100 on my desk. But I am not convinced it deserves more than a SPF 15, or maybe 30, rating. A chemist specializing in sunscreen chemicals, I run a sunscreen...

Flame Retardants: Why They’re in Our Homes and How To Avoid Them

Americans have been exposed to potentially harmful flame retardant chemicals for decades.

Panera’s Promise to Sell Clean Kids’ Food Could Lead to Healthier Fast Food – Fast

Panera Bread's Kids Meal Promise – a children's menu free of artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners and colors – challenges the rest of the fast and fast-casual food industry to get serious...

Unregulated Farm Pollution Dirties Calif. Air and Water

A study released this week by the University of California, Davis, found that farming is the biggest source of nitrogen pollution in California, contributing harmful pollutants to the state's air and...

No Gold Medals for U.S. Water Quality

If you have been glued to your television this week watching coverage of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, like I have, then you've undoubtedly noticed that the Olympic diving pool has turned green...

New Studies Trace PFC Pollution from Sources to the Next Generation

Fluorine-based chemicals that can cause cancer, developmental toxicity and numerous other detrimental health effects have contaminated the drinking water of millions of Americans, and the blood of...

Agricultural Pollution Threatens Water Supplies in Central Iowa

Des Moines Water Works warned customers of elevated levels of microcystins, the toxins created by cyanobacteria, in their drinking water. These toxins cause acute problems with the liver, including...

Amid Record-Setting Corn Boom, Subsidies Soar

The U.S. is heading toward a record corn crop this year. With farmers growing more corn than ever, farm subsidies should be lower, right? Think again.

Monsanto’s New GMOs Spawn Illegal Use of Toxic Herbicides

Farmers in Arkansas and Missouri have filed more than 100 complaints with state agriculture agencies over a toxic weed killer that is drifting from adjacent farms and damaging their crops. The...

In 20 Years Since Landmark Law, Pesticides in Baby Food Drop Dramatically

On Aug. 3, 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Food Quality Protection Act, a landmark law that required the EPA to show that all exposures to pesticides in food were safe for infants and children...

‘Unbroken Ground:’ Patagonia Film Calls for Food Revolution

Most of the food Americans eat is produced in ways that harm the environment and worsen climate change. The federal government subsidizes unhealthy crops that have contributed to Americans' expanding...

Four Risky Myths About SPF

SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, indicates how well a sunscreen blocks out some of the sun's harmful rays. The number refers to how much longer you can stay in the sun before burning than you could with...

August 2016: Mapping Cancer Worldwide

In the U.S., and most of the world, breast cancer is the most common cancer to strike women. But for Chinese women it's lung cancer, and in some African, and South and Central American nations, it's...

Ask an Expert: Your Questions Answered by Curt DellaValle, Ph.D., Senior Scientist

EWG's community has lots of questions about chemicals in consumer products and food, and from time to time we do our best to provide answers. If you have a question for EWG's scientists, you can...
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