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Displaying 1421 - 1440 of 4063

Five Sunscreen Tips for Water and Active Play

Is your family heading outdoors for sunny days at the beach, pool or park? When skin gets wet or sweaty, sunscreens may not work as well as you expect.

Voluntary Farm Conservation is Woefully Inadequate

A new study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Geological Survey estimates that farm conservation practices in some parts of the Midwest have reduced farm pollution by 5-to-34 percent...

Manure Pits Emit Deadly Pollutants

Manure pits that hold livestock and poultry waste give off foul-smelling toxic air pollutants that can be deadly to farmworkers and local residents, who often are powerless to defend the health of...

Easy Ways to Reduce Kids’ Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

You never leave home without it. You might even be holding it right now: your cell phone. But could this essential device be harming your health?

Organic Industry Fights For Better Animal Welfare

Great news! The organic industry is fighting to strengthen its animal welfare standards to ensure the health and well-being of livestock and poultry throughout their lives.

Why Is Congress Bending Over Backwards to Protect Polluters?

Days after the United Nations released startling new data showing that agriculture's contribution to climate change is getting worse, the House and Senate Appropriations committees approved spending...

New Resource Reveals Widespread Use of Toxic BPA

EWG has uncovered new information about a toxic chemical many of us are buying at the grocery store – and how common it really is.

Does Coffee Cause Cancer? New Studies Say It Could Actually Reduce Risk

Good news, coffee drinkers: A new scientific review finds no conclusive evidence that coffee causes cancer. In fact, coffee may even help protect against certain cancers.

Concern Over California Crops Irrigated with Oil and Gas Wastewater

Would you eat food grown with wastewater from oil and gas drilling? You could be already: farms in California's Central Valley, which produces 40 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables, are...

Does Coffee Cause Cancer? New Studies Say It Could Actually Reduce Risk

Good news, coffee drinkers: A new scientific review finds no conclusive evidence that coffee causes cancer. In fact, coffee may even help protect against certain cancers.

Near Record Farm Pollution Found in Mississippi River

Near record concentrations of farm pollution were measured flowing down the Mississippi River in May, according to a recently published report.

Chemicals in Food and Cosmetics Linked to Preterm Births and Low Birth Weight

A study of pregnant Brooklyn women led by the SUNY Downstate Medical Center links triclosan, an antibacterial agent common in personal care products, with preterm births and smaller newborns.

What New Food Serving Sizes Mean for Your Kids

Last month the Food and Drug Administration announced new changes to the Nutrition Facts Label we see printed on packaged foods.

Members of Congress Collect At Least $9.5 Million in Farm Subsidies

Members of Congress collected at least $9.5 million in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2014, according to new data from EWG's Farm Subsidy Database – including more than $1.1 million in subsidies over...

GMOs Haven’t Cut Weedkiller Use

Monsanto marketed its potent weed killer glyphosate – brand name Roundup -- and the corn and soybeans genetically engineered to withstand it by claiming that it would replace other, more toxic weed...

Seven Most Common Mistakes When Applying Sunscreen

The good news: you're putting sunscreen on yourself and your kids. The bad news: you might be doing it all wrong. Here are the seven most common mistakes people make when putting on sunscreen – and...

Costs of Farm Subsidy Programs Skyrocket

The costs of two farm subsidy programs are spiraling out of control, belying Congressional assurances in 2014 that they would save taxpayers' money, according to two recent estimates.

Survivorship and prevention - Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors Day - June 5 -- is a day for celebrating and supporting the 14 million Americans whose lives have been touched by cancer.

EPA: Popular Weedkiller Threatens Wildlife

The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday (June 2) released a draft risk assessment confirming what some scientists have been warning for years: the weedkiller atrazine likely poses a risk to...

Male Exposure to Chemicals Linked to Longer Time to Conceive

It's well known that what a woman eats, drinks, breathes and puts on her body while she's pregnant or nursing can all affect her reproductive system and the health of her baby. But new research...

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