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Displaying 1461 - 1480 of 4063

Monsanto’s Top GMO Myths

As the deadline nears for companies to comply with Vermont's GMO labeling, Big Food and Big Ag lobbyists are making increasingly desperate claims about the impact of mandatory labeling of foods with...

Tale of Two Fields – Voluntary Conservation Delivers Inconsistent Results

We need a consistent approach to agricultural conservation.Driving around central Iowa on a crop survey this spring, EWG analysts came across a far-too-common scene: adjacent fields reflecting...

Will New Chemical Law Hide the Fracking Industry’s Toxic Secrets?

The makeup of hydraulic fracturing fluid – the slurry of chemicals, sand and water injected deep underground to free petroleum deposits trapped by bedrock – is a closely guarded secret of the oil and...

“Climate Smart” Carrots Won’t Cut Farm Pollution Without Sticks

The Obama administration is right to regulate methane from oil and gas wells. But there's no good reason to exempt methane from agriculture – which is the second largest source of methane in the U.S...

Five Essential Facts About Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables

A healthy diet begins with lots of fruits and vegetables, but some of your family's favorites may contain startling amounts of harmful pesticides.

Time for Cleaning Products to Come Clean on Ingredients

Are there cancer-causing chemicals in your cleaning products? You wouldn't know, because the majority of cleaners don't fully disclose their ingredients on the label or online.

Should Billionaires Get Unlimited Crop Insurance Subsidies?

Do you support the federal government handing out unlimited crop insurance subsidies to millionaires and billionaires without disclosing who gets them?

Can We Really Count on the Cosmetics Industry to Keep Us Safe?

Right now, you can go online and buy GK Hair Taming System with Juvexin® “Curly” or “Resistant” products. You can do this although these products are only intended for use by salon professionals. Even...

Does Monsanto’s Glyphosate Cause Cancer?

When the Environmental Protection Agency recently released and then abruptly withdrew a draft document on the cancer risks posed by the pesticide glyphosate, Monsanto jumped at the chance to say that...

Kids Are on the Frontline of Pesticide Exposure

Dozens of independent studies show that pesticides do profound damage to children's health, according to a report released this week (May 10) by the non-profit Pesticide Action Network.

No More Tanning Beds for Teens

With prom and graduation season right around the corner, teens around the country are turning to indoor tanning salons for the sun-kissed tans they wish for.

Will New Toxics Law Keep Chemical Industry’s Dirty Secrets?

In lab testing, one chemical, we'll call it “chemical X,” was linked to decreased fertility and changes in the lungs, spleen, stomach, intestines and vagina; and in some cases even death. What...

What are the biggest food policy debates?

This week, Grist offered its opinion about the biggest debates in food policy. But many of the biggest kitchen-table issues weren't on the list, including climate change, farm pollution, food safety...

Keystone Cops Overseeing The Conservation Compliance Program?

Three decades ago, farmers reached a deal with taxpayers: farmers would reduce erosion on “highly erodible lands” and protect wetlands in exchange for generous government subsidies.

Democracy on the Des Moines?

If true, it's troubling news that cartoonist Rick Friday has been fired by the publication Farm News for an editorial cartoon suggesting that the chief executives of Monsanto, John Deere, DuPont and...

Dairy Farm Pollution Fuels Lake Erie’s Toxic Algae

As summer approaches, so do the toxic algal blooms that plague Lake Erie every year, killing fish and making the water too dangerous to swim in.

What’s an “Organic” Mattress, Anyway?

Shoppers searching for a mattress want the safest option they can afford. Attracted by labels claiming that products are “eco-friendly,” “natural,” “certified” or “organic,” many are willing to pay...

Wellness Chat: The Indoor Environment

Nicole Deziel, Ph.D. in this lightly edited interview with EWG, she shares her thoughts on how household exposures can affect health.

Will Congress Protect Americans From Untested Chemicals?

Most people think that manufacturers must prove chemicals safe before they put them on the market. They're wrong.

Big Ag Doesn’t Want You to Know About Pesticides on Produce

Nothing sets off the chemical agriculture industry like questioning its heavy dependence on toxic pesticides. Every year, when EWG releases our Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, the Alliance...

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