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Displaying 1721 - 1740 of 4063

There’s Toxic Antimony in Baby Bibs, Clothing, Toys and Games

With all of the chemicals that get put into consumer products, it can be difficult to protect our children from toxic hazards. Knowing what to look for and what kids' products contain harmful...

News from the FDA on Trans Fat

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced a phase-out of a harmful class of ingredients to reduce the amount of damaging trans fat in your family's food.

Farm Nitrogen Pollution Damage Estimated at $157 Billion Yearly

Nitrogen from fertilizers and manures washed off farmland costs Americans $157 billion a year in damages to human health and the environment.

Grasslands Go Under the Plow in the Prairie Pothole Region

An article in the May 27 edition of Harvest Public Media, an online news outlet devoted to news about agriculture, amounts to first-hand evidence of the destruction of the iconic Prairie Pothole...

Big Corn and Soy Go on the Defensive As Cancer Experts Probe Weed Killers

News that the world's cancer experts are taking a fresh look at 2,4-D has farm organizations worried.

Colleges To Promote Sun Safety

Last year, our 25-year-old classmate was diagnosed with melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Her illness came as a shock. “Isn't melanoma a disease of older people?” we said to ourselves.

How Corn Ethanol Is Worse For Climate Change Than The Keystone Pipeline

Do you think the federal government couldn't order something worse for the environment than the Keystone XL oil pipeline? Think again.

11 Worst Sunscreens for Kids

Parents and caregivers know that applying a safe, effective sunscreen to children is one key to protecting them from sun damage. Sunscreen should never be your child's first line of defense against...

10 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend is all about fun in the sun. Whether you're heading to the beach, a lake or a backyard picnic, be sure to cover up to protect your skin against sunburn and pesky bug bites.

Congresswoman DeLauro Takes on Arsenic in Rice

Although scientists and government regulators have known about the ever-present threat of arsenic in drinking water, emerging evidence is showing that arsenic, a known human carcinogen, also...

GMO Labeling: What’s Good for Consumers Is Good for Business

At Ben & Jerry's, we're really proud of the ingredients we use in our ice cream and we've always been happy to tell our fans what's in the pint. We love talking about our long-term relationship with...

Test Your Sun Safety Knowledge: EWG Tackles Five Popular Myths

I love this time of year. After a long, cold winter, how can you resist the sun when it beckons you to go outside?

222 Scientists Call for Reduced Use of Stain- and Waterproofing Chemicals Common in Clothing, Carpets and Cookware

“Stain-resistant, Nonstick, Waterproof and Lethal” is how journalist Callie Lyons refers to a chemical called C8 that's found in the bodies of nearly all humans and animals on the planet. Exposure to...

Too Dangerous For War On Drugs, But O.K. For GMOs?

Does the president of Colombia care more about the health of coca cultivators than President Obama cares about the health of U.S. farmworkers?

Voluntary Programs to Reduce Farm Run-off Still Aren’t Working

A new analysis in Choices Magazine shows that voluntary agricultural pollution programs still aren't working.

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Blankets GMO Crops Near Schools

Genetically engineered crops, or GMOs, have led to an explosion in growers' use of herbicides, with the result that children at hundreds of elementary schools across the country go to class close by...

The Corn Ethanol “Bridge” Is Crumbling

The Congressional notion that ethanol could act as a bridge to truly green biofuels is crumbling before our eyes.

Chipotle, GMOs and Monsanto’s Toxic Glyphosate

Chipotle gets it. The popular quick-service restaurant understands that genetically engineered foods, called GMOs, are often grown in a way that is harmful to the environment.

Chemicals in Food Wrappers and Outdoor Clothing Linked to Spike in Miscarriages

More bad news about the nonstick, greaseproof and waterproof chemicals in cookware, food wrappers, outdoor clothing and even cosmetics: In a Danish study, women whose blood had high levels of these...

Teflon-Killing Canaries and the American Dream

As a new EWG report shines a light on DuPont's poisoned legacy in the mid-Ohio River Valley, it's a good time to look back at Teflon's canary effect.

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