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Displaying 1761 - 1780 of 4063

April 1 Kicks Off National Asbestos Awareness Week

A bipartisan resolution passed by the U.S. Senate designates the first week of April as National Asbestos Awareness Week.

Shouldn’t chemical safety law overhaul prioritize an asbestos ban?

In 1989, the federal Environmental Protection Agency tried to ban asbestos.

Feeding the World – Without GMOs

EWG released a new analysis today (March 31) debunking the myth that genetically engineered crops (often called GMOs) will be crucial to “feeding the world” as the population soars.

Preschoolers Face-to-Face with Asbestos

My four-year-old son Jack likes to play on the floor.

GMOs Won’t Help the World’s Hungry

An editorial in the Washington Post this week (March 30) claimed that if genetically modified foods – GMOs – are required to be labeled, the world's poorest will suffer.

No Doubt About it: Price Tag Gets Ever Higher for New Gold-Plated Farm Subsidies

In a recent article in Politico, reporter David Rogers took issue with estimates of per-acre subsidy payments that growers could receive under the Agriculture Risk Coverage farm subsidy program...

Cancer Risk is Cause for EPA to Act on GMO Weed Killer

The Environmental Working Group joined a number of other environmental and consumer rights organizations today to ask the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to stop the rollout of Dow AgroSciences'...

Top 5 Reasons to Oppose the DARK Act

Americans overwhelmingly want the right to know whether the food they are purchasing has been made with genetically modified ingredients, a right that consumers in 64 other countries already have.

Claims of GMO Yield Increases Don’t Hold Up

At a hearing of the House Agriculture Committee this week, opponents of mandatory labeling of GMO foods trotted out the now familiar argument that genetically engineered crops are the key to feeding...

Monsanto, GMOs and Cancer Risk

The news from the world's leading cancer experts that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans” provides the smoking gun that should make it simple for the Obama administration to require GMO...

Products that Contain Asbestos Should be Regulated and Labeled

If a product you were thinking of buying contained asbestos, chances are you'd want to know while you were in the store, say, by reading a warning on the item's label.

GMO Labeling Will Not Increase Food Prices

Tomorrow morning, the House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the impact of GMO labeling on food prices.

Apple in a Haystack?

Want to find the new genetically modified apple in your grocery store?

Not Your Average Policy – Farmers Make Money Off Heavily Subsidized Crop “Insurance”

Buried in a recently released U.S. Government Accountability Office report is staggering evidence that the federal government's crop insurance program serves as another source of farm business income...

Five Couches Without Fire Retardants You Can Buy Right Now

Do you know that your couch may be toxic to you and your kids? A weak federal chemical safety law and poorly designed state fire safety standards fail to protect Americans from thousands of dangerous...

GMO Weed Killer’s Cancer Risk

Glyphosate – the active herbicide in the widely used Monsanto's Roundup and Dow Agrosciences Enlist Duo weedkillers – is “probably carcinogenic to humans,” a working group of scientists at the World...

Environmental Defense Fund and Chemical Companies: Fool Me Twice?

It was abundantly clear at the recent Senate hearing that Democrats on the Environment and Public Works Committee have grave doubts about legislation the chemical industry has written to regulate...

House Budget Hits Hungry Kids, Spares Fat Cat Farmers

House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga) put fat cat farmers ahead of hungry kids in his 10-year budget, cutting funding for food assistance by $140 billion over ten years and cutting farm...

Study Shows Why Minnesota Needs a Buffer Law

Last week, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency released the alarming results of a study of waterways in the southwest corner of the state, reporting that only three of 93 segments it assessed was...

Groups Join Voices Against Industry Chemicals Bill

A growing chorus is speaking out against legislation to update federal chemical safety law that was introduced last week by Sens. Tom Udall, D-N.M., and David Vitter, R-La. The industry-backed bill...

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