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Displaying 1841 - 1860 of 4063

Rate Your Plate Series: Natural vs. Artificial Flavors

“Natural flavor” is the fourth most common ingredient listed in EWG's Food Scores, which rates more than 80,000 foods on their degree of nutrition, ingredient concerns and processing concerns. But...

Rate Your Plate Series: EWG's Food Scores Gives Snapshot of America's Food Landscape

As EWG's Food Scores: Rate Your Plate reveals in detail, popular brands in many categories are not so much food as they are conveyances for excessive amounts of sugar, salt and preservatives.

Rate Your Plate Series: EWG's Food Scores Gives Snapshot of America's Food Landscape

As EWG's Food Scores: Rate Your Plate reveals in detail, popular brands in many categories are not so much food as they are conveyances for excessive amounts of sugar, salt and preservatives.

Brazilians Don’t Turn Up Their Noses at GE Food

So far, less than 1 percent of Brazilian food sales are “organic” (though sales are growing). And, when experts looked more closely, they found that many Brazilian consumers are more likely to buy...

New GE Crops/Weed Killer Combo Puts Foods At Risk

More than 440,000 acres of food crops – including potatoes, peas, grapes and tomatoes – could soon be in the toxic spray zones of a weed-killing chemical linked to Parkinson's disease and reproductive...

Just When You Thought it Was Safe To Drink The Water

Policy makers seem to freeze with fear when confronted with terrifying algae. Regulatory and voluntary programs still haven't produced a comprehensive and effective effort to stem nutrient pollution...

A Little Ground Truth on World Food Day

Today is World Food Day, so many farm leaders will be recycling the canard that American farmers feed the world. Do they?

Another Reason To Label Genetically Engineered Food: 2,4-D

Now that government agencies have given the green light to Dow AgroSciences to sell 2,4-D-tolerant, genetically engineered corn and soybeans and OK'd dousing them in Enlist Duo weed killer, there's...

Frac Sand Mining, Coming to You Soon?

The boom in hydraulic fracking to extract natural gas and oil has created a huge demand for silica sand.

Federal Antibiotic Regulations Aren’t Cutting It

The staggering amount of antibiotics used in raising industrial livestock continues to rise, according to a recent (Oct. 2) Food and Drug Administration report. And most (70 percent) of those drugs...

Reducing Water Pollution Would Generate Billions in Economic Activity

Cleaner water in the Chesapeake Bay could mean billions of dollars in economic growth for the region.

EWG’s Women of Courage: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

What does it take for a small Caribbean nation to implement strong, sustainable and popular ocean conservation practices? A team of experts, an island community dedicated to preserving its way of life...

Ending Hunger: The Problem is Poverty

If we're going to succeed in feeding the world, it will be because we educate and train farmers in countries with persistent hunger and develop innovative and strategic ways to lift people out of...

GE Labeling Would Cost Peanuts, New Study Finds

A recently released study by the economic consulting firm ECONorthwest concludes that requiring genetically engineered food to be labeled would cost Americans a mere $2.30 per person per year.

California Makes it Law: Label Toxic Flame Retardants in Furniture

California scored a big win for human health and the environment today (Sept. 30) when Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill to require labeling on upholstered furniture to tell shoppers whether it contains...

Boxer Chemical Safety Proposal Provides a Way Forward

A new proposal drafted by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) offers a path toward meaningful reform of our broken chemical safety laws.

Top Ten Problems With Industry’s Chemical “Safety” Bill

The chemical “safety” bill that the industry's allies introduced in Congress is far worse than the current outdated and inadequate law. Here are 10 reasons why legislation hailed as “real progress” by...

We Told You So

A new analysis by economists at Ohio State University and the University of Illinois concludes that lavish subsidy programs created in the 2014 farm bill could cost taxpayers billions more than...

Too Loud To Be Silenced

Before Sunday's climate march in New York City, environmental groups expected a turnout of maybe 100,000. The NY police thought the number would be closer to 30,000. Hardly anyone expected the total...

Feeding the world or failing to yield?

Advocates of genetically engineered crops claim they will help us “feed the world” by improving crop yields. But is there any actual evidence that GE crops have actually delivered better yields than...

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