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Displaying 1861 - 1880 of 4063

Inconvenient Corn Ethanol Truths

Michael Wang can't handle the truth. Apparently he was none too pleased to read “Ethanol's Broken Promise,” Environmental Working Group's recent report that showed that reducing corn ethanol...

Senator Pushes to Ban 10 Toxic Flame Retardants From Children’s Products

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced Sunday (Sept. 14) that he was introducing legislation that would ban 10 toxic flame retardant chemicals from being used in children's products and upholstered...

The Agrichemical Industry’s Broken Promise

In a newly published review, former Environmental Protection Agency senior scientist Dr. Ramon J. Seidler explains that the agrichemical industry's promise that genetically engineered crops would...

Corn Prices Fall, Your Wallet Gets Lighter

This week, the Department of Agriculture predicted that the 2014-2015 U.S. corn harvest will be the largest ever. Because of policies that Congress adopted in the 2014 farm bill, that could also mean...

Cutting Crop Insurance Subsidies Won't Scare Away Farmers

From 2003 through 2012, crop insurance premium subsidies cost taxpayers $42.1 billion – 72 percent of the federal crop insurance program's total costs. If Congress had paid attention when it had the...

Pesticide Drift Ruins Farms

The problem of drift could worsen if the Environmental Protection Agency approves Dow AgroSciences's new weed killer, Enlist Duo, which contains 2,4-D and glyphosate.

California Takes Aim at Fire Retardants in Furniture

It's getting more likely that in the near future, when you go shopping for a couch or chair, it will no longer be saturated with pounds of toxic chemical fire retardants.

Report Highlights Corn Ethanol’s Devastating Toll

Corn-based ethanol is a major cause of the water pollution that is ravaging the Mississippi River basin and the Gulf of Mexico, a report by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) inspector...

Raised to Farm

Working with nature is not simple. But you can make a good living at it when you get your business model and growing system in place.

California Moves Closer to Passing Nation’s First Fire Retardant Labeling Law

Thanks to the hard work of many advocacy organizations, including EWG, that lack of transparency may change very soon. California will likely become the first state in the nation to pass legislation...

Farm Bureau on Toledo Water Crisis: Who, Me?

What's actually troubling is that big agriculture continues to shamelessly attempt to shift blame rather than take responsibility.

EWG Celebrates 2nd Annual Chris Campbell Award Reception

Hollie Russon Gilman, the former White House advisor on open government and innovation, is this year's recipient of EWG's Chris Campbell Award for public service and technological creativity.

Down on the Farm: Where Toledo’s Water Crisis Began

For nearly 70 years, the USDA has relied mostly on voluntary conservation programs that allow farmers to decide for themselves whether or not to use basic conservation measures to prevent runoff from...

Plastic Microbeads: The Newest Threat to the Great Lakes

Nearly 3 million of these tiny plastic particles were found per square mile in parts of Lake Erie. And many of my favorite products were major offenders.

Study finds levels of toxic flame retardants 5 times higher in toddlers

Tests published earlier this month by myself and other scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Duke University detected a biomarker indicating that all 26 children in our study had been...

New Herbicide Would Bring Hollywood's “Terminator” to Life

A New York Times article last week (Aug. 11) explained the problem of “superweeds” but failed to connect the dots between increasing use of the toxic defoliant known as 2,4-D and the serious health...

GAO Faults EPA Program To Protect Water From Fracking

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has challenged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's capabilities to safeguard underground drinking water sources from hydraulic fracturing for oil and...

Elementary School Students At Increased Pesticide Risk

EWG has determined that 487 elementary schools across America are within 200 feet of a corn or soybean field. This finding is alarming because young children are especially vulnerable to the toxic...

Laurie David Does Meatless Monday With Quinoa Cakes

Join Laurie David, activist, producer and cook, in creating dishes that are simple, fast, “low in the bad stuff and high in the good stuff.”

We Called It: Low Prices will lead to Big Payouts

Big agriculture payouts could be coming, courtesy of American taxpayers, who are forking over money through lavish new subsidy programs established in the recently passed farm bill.

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