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Displaying 1881 - 1900 of 4063

Expert Panel Confirms that Fragrance Ingredient Can Cause Cancer

Last month (July 28) a committee convened by the National Academy of Sciences confirmed a federal interagency group's conclusion that styrene, a chemical building block used to produce a wide variety...

Vitter Pressures EPA Inspector General To Halt Fracking Inquiry

It's no secret that Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) disparages much of what the Environmental Protection Agency does, and his frequent attacks have garnered him quite the reputation in the environmental...

It’s Time to Regulate Farm Runoff

Simple, well-understood conservation measures would go a long way toward saving Lake Erie and hundreds of other water bodies afflicted with periodic algal blooms.

What I Learned From Being an EWG Guinea Pig

Last summer I was taking my one-year-old daughter to the pediatrician when a sign in the lobby caught my eye: Want to participate in a study on flame retardants?

Will Congress Shortchange Obama’s “Champions of Change?”

This week (July 29), the White House released its list of “Champions of Change” in agriculture, 17 people who “are doing extraordinary things to build the bench for the next generation of farming and...

Rep. Davis Doesn’t Think You Can Handle Knowing Whether Your Food Is Genetically Engineered

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) and some of his colleagues are telling American consumers they can't handle the truth.

Right to Farm is a Right to Pollute

Next Tuesday (Aug. 5), Missourians will decide if their state constitution should be amended to enshrine a so-called “Right-to-Farm” provision. The vaguely worded and open-ended amendment states, “the...

Congress Moves Closer to Improving Sunscreens Available to Americans

Congress moved a step closer to improving the sunscreens available to American consumers this week (July 28) when the House of Representatives passed the Sunscreen Innovation Act.

Dirty Drinking Water in Farm Country

A new study from the University of Minnesota confirms what we've been saying – big agriculture is contaminating your drinking water.

House Readies to Advance Sunscreen Innovation Act

EWG applauds Reps. Whitfield and Dingell for their efforts to accelerate FDA's review of the safety and efficacy of sunscreen ingredients and we look forward to working with Congress to enact...

Teen Body Burden – Where Are They Now?

Six years ago, EWG tested the blood and urine of 20 young adults. We wanted to know whether teens would show higher levels of chemicals associated with cosmetics and other personal care products...

The Most Environmentally Harmful Thing You Eat

Believe it or not, choosing between a burger and a chicken sandwich can affect more than just your waistline. A new study led by scientists at Bard College in New York shows that going for beef has 10...

Phthalates Are Out of Children’s Toys, But In Your Food

Just when you thought that phthalates, chemicals added to plastics to make them more flexible, were off your radar, think again.

Germany Proposes Seven-Year Fracking Ban

Environmentalists in Germany have more to celebrate this week than a World Cup championship title.

Is Organic Really Better?

A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that organic crops have higher concentrations of antioxidants, lower levels of cadmium and nitrates and fewer pesticide residues than...

Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Spew Methane, Study Finds

If you think the risks associated with fracking for oil and gas disappear once a well stops producing and goes out of commission, think again. And that goes for conventional drilling technologies, too...

The Story of Skin Deep

It started with a simple question – how many personal care products do people use every day?

Dow Cherry-Picks its Evidence to Defend New Toxic Pesticide

Dow AgroSciences, which is seeking federal approval to sell a new herbicide mixture, last week (July 3) attacked an EWG analysis pointing out that thousands of school children could be exposed to...

Congress Lauds Biotech Benefits – but at Children’s Expense?

School children in districts represented by some members of the House subcommittee that oversees biotechnology could soon be at increased risk of being exposed to a toxic weed killer, a recent EWG...

The Real Winners of the World Cup

The 32 countries competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup ™ are all required to play by the same rules on the soccer field, but off the field they subscribe to different sets of rules when it comes to...

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