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Areas of Focus

Displaying 1941 - 1960 of 4063

Happy Tax Day! Do You Know How You’re Subsidizing Big Ag This Year?

As Americans finish up their taxes, it's worth reflecting on how those tax dollars are being spent to widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots in farming.

GE’s Chemical Treadmill Spawns Zombie Herbicide

Coming soon to a farm field near you: massive applications of a zombie herbicide linked to everything from Parkinson's disease to reproductive problems.

Is the Green Revolution Fading?

Just days after Congressional leaders installed a statue of agricultural scientist Norman Borlaug in the U.S. Capitol, the head of the International Panel on Climate Change made the startling...

Rep. Israel Proposes Bill To Require Disclosure of Cleaners Ingredients

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., today introduced the Household Cleaning Products Right to Know Act of 2014 bill, which would require cleaning products makers to disclose hidden...

Pompeo’s DARK Act Will Keep Consumers in the Dark

Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kans.) has introduced the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act to keep consumers, well, in the dark about whether or not their food contains GE ingredients. The bill would...

House Bill Would Weaken Already Feeble Protections Against Harmful Chemicals

Should chemicals we encounter every day be safe? You'd think the answer would be an obvious and resounding “yes.” But if you ask chemical companies – or some lawmakers – they say that “safe” is...

Corn Is Magic?

The trade organization that represents biotechnology companies, including those that develop and market biofuels, came out with a study this week (March 26) claiming that lowering the amount of corn...

Kudos to Companies Pledging to “Remove” ADA

In the ensuing furor other producers of commercial baked goods said they too were abandoning ADA.

A River of Doubt

When 300,000 West Virginians went without water for three weeks earlier this year, most Americans were shocked to learn that health officials and the government didn't know much about the licorice...

Now that It’s Law, Farm Bill’s True Price Tag Continues To Grow

One new program in the recently enacted farm bill is going to cost at least $21 billion more than we'd bargained for, according to a report just issued by the authoritative Farm and Agriculture Policy...

EWG’s Women of Courage: A Celebration of Fearless & Compassionate Leadership

In June of 2003, Linda Reinstein found out that her husband Alan had a type of lung cancer called mesothelioma, caused by breathing asbestos. “I can treat it,” the surgeon told her, “but I can't cure...

A “Fiscal Conservative” Shows His True Colors

You might be surprised to learn that a Congressman who considers himself a fiscal conservative and says one of his missions is to provide prudent fiscal management supported a bill that will cost $1...

Obama Wants To Cut $14 Billion In Excess Crop Insurance Subsidies

President Obama and Environmental Working Group agree: to reduce wasteful spending, Congress should cut back on egregiously high crop insurance subsidies.

Falling Crop Prices Mean Big Payouts

The bait-and-switch pulled off by the agriculture committees of Congress in the 2014 farm bill – using 80 percent of the savings from ending direct and countercyclical farm subsidies to gin up a suite...

The Case For Organic Fruits and Veggies

Recently, some online musings have been bouncing around Twitter and Facebook claiming that there isn't much, if any, difference between organic and conventional foods. One article by Melinda Wenner...

These are Fiscal Conservatives?

The nearly $1 trillion farm bill couldn't have passed Congress without the support of self-proclaimed fiscal conservatives.

Land Conversion’s Emissions Likely Worse than Keystone’s

Building and operating the Keystone XL Pipeline would pump millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And as EWG's Heather White has said, approving the pipeline would overlook a better...

What Others are Saying About the Farm Bill

The farm bill passed by Congress takes food and farm policy in the wrong direction. Here's what others have to say about the bill.

Top Six Reasons EWG Opposes the Farm Bill

The farm bill that passed the House this week and will likely pass the Senate next week has some positive features, including new conservation requirements for farm businesses that collect crop...

EWG’s Top Food and Ag Stories of 2013

EWG's editors asked the entire staff to pick the top agriculture-related stories of 2013, a category that includes the farm bill, farm subsidies, crop insurance, conservation, genetically engineered...

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